Discovery: Loved By God

“Discovery: Loved By God”

By Pastor Roy Esposito

Triple A’s of Prayer:
  1. Acknowledge my need
  2. Accept my need
  3. Ask for the grace for my need
  • Romans 8:28
  • 2 Chronicles 7:14
Hesychastic Prayer – Prayer of the Restful
  • Proverbs 23:7

Self-Image – How we see ourselves

Self- Esteem – How we feel about what we see about ourselves.

“The reputation you have with yourself.”

  • Matthew 6:25-34
The False Trinity:
Possessions, Power and Human Relationships
  • Jeremiah 29:11
  • Jeremiah 29:12-14
Four Primary Needs
  1. To be loved and to belong
  2. To have power over one’s thoughts and feelings. (Have a healthy self-esteem)
  3. To have playtime; have fun
  4. Freedom


5 Freedoms God Gives His Kids
  1. Freedom to see and hear what’s real.
  2. Freedom to say what you actually think instead of what others expect you to say.
  3. Freedom to feel what you feel instead of what you’re expected to feel.
  4. Freedom to ask for what you want instead of having to wait for permission
  5. Freedom to take risks on your own behalf instead of remaining safe and secure.

Embracing Humility

Embracing Humility”

by Pastor Roy Esposito

The 3 “A’s” of Prayer:

  1. Acknowledge my need
  2. Accept that I have a need
  3. Ask for the grace for what I need

2 Corinthians 3:16-18

“The Immanuel Concept”: God’s presence is not only with me; He’s also on my side!

Humility leads to Honesty;

Honesty leads to Truth;

Truth leads to Self-Discovery;

Self-Discovery leads to Healing;

Healing leads to Liberty;

Liberty leads to Authority to Liberate Others!

  • Romans 8:32
  • Ephesians 1:3
  • Ephesians 1:13-14
  • Colossians 3:1 (NLT)
  • Philippians 4:8
  • Isaiah 57 (Message)