“instructors” — Boy-leaders — those who lead children to school — a baby sitter
Jn 10;11-14
vs 12 — ” The hireling is not the one who owns the sheep — He’s just doing a job.
” The shepherd has an investment in the sheep. — They’re his and are his life.
1Cor 4:6-21 (Passion)
“Hidden violence has inculcated our corporate unconscious, showing itself in the many ways we disrespect one another.” — PR
2 Cor 10:3-7
Gal 5:19-21 — works of the flesh
Gal 5:22-23 — Fruit of the Spirit
“The enemy of our souls will use the unchecked works of the flesh as bricks to fortify a stronghold in us”
Passion — “Citadels of augmentations” — which launch out arrogant attitudes that raise themselves up in defiance of the true knowledge of the true nature of God.
Eph 6:14-16 — The Armor of God: Truth – Righteousness – Faith – salvation – The Word – Prayer
Mark 10:15
Matt 11:12
John Cassion — centering prayer — “AWARENESS” of our inner self and the workings of our enemy.
Lk 15:11-32 — Prodigal Son — We are both at different times. Both “need to get”.
Who Is Jesus? The Author and Finisher of Our Faith
by Pastor Marie Esposito
“The Son is the dazzling radiance of god’s splendor, the exact expression of God’s true nature-His mirror image. He holds the universe together and expands it by the mighty power of His spoken words. He accomplished for us the complete cleansing of sings, and then took his seat on the highest throne at the right hand of the Majestic One.”
Hebrews 1:3
He is the Author and the Completer of our faith. -Hebrews 12:2
Faith-complete trust and confidence in something or SOMEONE. Strong. Believe.
Faith is a substance…Faith comes by hearing…
Colossians 2:15 – He is the complete fullness of deity living in human form. He is the Divine Portrait, the true likeness of the invisible God, and the firstborn of all creation And our completeness is now found in Him. We are completely filled with God as Christ’s fullness overflows within us. He is the head of every kingdom and authority in the universe~ Through our union with Him we have experienced circumcision of heart. All of the guilt and power of sin has been cut away and is now extinct because of what Christ, the Anointed One, has accomplished for us.
Hebrews 12:1-3
Colossians 2:10-13
It is finished! – John 19:30
Psalm 52:9
Revelation 21:6,7
He that overcomes shall inherit all things; and I will be His God, and he shall be My Son.
Ephessians 1:14-16
We can walk in His powerful IDENTITY in us
and become His DESIGN for us.
Our identity in Him and with all that His blood sacrifice won on the Cross is our DESTINY.