The Power of A Repentant Heart

The Power of A Repentant Heart

by Pastor Roy Esposito

Deuteronomy 30:15-20
Psalm 89:14
Righteousness — God’s standard
Justice — Our adherence to that standard
Process — A system of operations in the production of something; a series of functions that bring about a result in a measured duration of time.
Psalm 127:1
Matthew 7:24-27
Matthew 11:28 — “Come to Me …”
Matthew 11:28-30(Passion Bible)
Coming/Turning — Repentance
Our Apostolic Call
1. To be fruitful.
2. To multiply that fruit.
3. To occupy all of creation.
Repentance is not about being sorry, guilty or penitent;
but about “coming” to the Lord!
1. Confess your flaws and shortcomings.
2. Confess also God’s goodness, love, mercy, willingness
and ability to change your reality.
Hebrews 11:6 — “… He will reward those who diligently seek Him.”
Daniel 9:3-23 — “Lord hear — Lord see — Lord FORGIVE — Lord listen and act!”
Forgiveness — 2nd element to building a strong house.
Matthew 6:9-15(Passion)
VS 12 — Aramaic — “Give us serenity as we also allow others serenity.”
“If there remains a debt that’s not released there is no freedom.  A heart that’s not free has no time, energy or resource for anything but it’s own struggle.” — PR
Unforgiveness — a dam that blocks the flow of “the Living Water”.
“The spiritual life is not about climbing a ladder of perfection.  It is the process of embracing one’s wounds in order to find and have access to the transforming power of God already  in us through Jesus.”  —  PR
Galatians 5:22(Passion) “Divine Love in it’s varied expressions: 
Joy that overflows
 Peace that subdues
Patience that endures
Kindness in action
A life full of Virtue
Faith that prevails
Gentleness of heart and
Strength of spirit
Absurd (Latin — Surdus) — DEAF
Absurd Living — a life that is deaf to the Voice of Life who speaks to us in our silence.
Jesus taught us to pray in a manner through which we discover that prayer is more than saying something — it’s actually being something. — PR
Psalm 42:7

“What Are You Doing Here – (YOUR NAME) ??? – By Pastor Roy Esposito

“What Are You Doing Here – (YOUR NAME) ???”

by Pastor Roy Esposito

  • Proverbs 13:12
  • 1 Kings 19:4
  • Deuteronomy 31:6
  • Psalms 46: 10    “be still and know”
  • 1  Kings 19: 9, 11
  • Job 9:23
 A Refined Relationship with God — based on His love and the “Whisper of His Word” over us; a relationship not based on the issues of the day.
  •  Hebrews 11:27
Romans 4:20 –  “stagger not” at the promises of God toward us.   Choose to put your TRUST in them.
“The quality of our lives on Earth and in eternity will be determined by in what and in whom we put our trust.” – PR
Satan’s continuous mission – to undermine our trust in God. 
God’s promises are expressions of His character.
Believing them will allow us to participate in His nature.   2 Peter 1:4 (AMP)
  • Isaiah 61: 6-7
  • John 14:12
“To accept a gift from God is never an act of entitlement or of pride. It is simply an act of humility”   – Sister Josephine

Partakers of the Divine Nature

Partakers of the Divine Nature

by Pastor Marie Esposito

Our purpose is to become Partakers of the divine nature and to walk through the entrance that has been made for us abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Jesus is a Light that shines in a dark place until the day breaks and the Morning Star rises in our hearts.
2 Peter 1:19
in 2 Peter 1:21 Peter writes about men who were moved by the ‘Phero” the mighty rushing wind of the Holy Spirit from God and they wrote the Divine Word.
Paul wrote a specific testimony to his son in the faith Timothy.
1 Timothy 1:14– and the grace [unmerited favor and blessing] of our Lord [actually] flowed out super abundantly and beyond measure for me, accompanied by faith and love that are [to be realized] in Christ Jesus.
Simon Peter wrote 2 Peter to believers declaring his faith, and giving instructions to us.
At the end of the chapter he describes how he actually heard the Voice {Matt 17} from the Excellent Glory declare that Jesus was His Son on the Mount of Transfiguration.  He was an eyewitness of His Majesty.  He declares that because of this He proclaims that the prophetic Word was confirmed that Jesus is the Messiah as described in the Old Testament.
He begins the letter as such:
GRACE- divine favor, God’s lovingkindness in our reality
PEACE- perfect wellbeing, serene confidence, all necessary good, all spiritual prosperity, and freedom from fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts.
Who we are becoming…  Who we are now, is linked with our future destiny as we believe in what the Word says.  Our identity is in our transformation as new creations in God in Christ.  Holy Spirit supports our journey from the present to the future.
2 Peter 1:3-4
Some definitions to consider when reading this chapter:
Diligence- constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken, persistent exertion of body or mind;  carefulness and long term effort.
Partake- eat or drink, join in, engage in, become involved with. 
We need to be DILIGENT to submit and flow with Holy Spirit in the fullness of the Godhead which is in us and submit to the process of Galatians 2:20, so that HE CAN RISE FROM WITHIN AND DISPLAY HIS GLORY THROUGH US.
Exercise- use or apply, employ, utilize, make use of [a faculty, right or process]
Develop- grow and become more mature by going through a process of successive stages, disclose, bring into existence, advance, unfold, arise, emerge, erupt, Change into a more advanced, larger, or stronger form: something bigger usually over a period of time.
2 Peter 1:5 -7, 8,9,10
2 Peter 1:11
Warnings: 2 Peter 3:13-14, 17,18



Elevation / Acceleration

by Pastor Roy Esposito

1Sam 16:7-13
Phil 2:12
The Process  — a series of steps and stages that take us from where we are now to where we want to be.
Through it we learn:
1. How and what worship is about
2. To trust God in difficulties
3. Intimacy
4. How and when to say “NO” to our circumstances
5. How to exercise spiritual authority
6. How to walk in faith
7. The benefits of having a thankful spirit
Matt 25: 1-13
Jer 29:11 (NLT)
1Sam 17: 1-51
“The degree of spiritual power one moves in is defined and determined by the quality of the opposition faced.”   — PR
2 Tim 4:7-8  — “Fight the Good fight. ”    —    The “good fight” is any fight you win !
Isa 61:6
1Pet 2:9
Rev 1:6
The key that ignites Elevation : The Prophetic Word
2 Chron 20:3-12, 20-23
“God never gets disillusioned with us because He never had any allusions about us in the first place”  — PR
Ps 103:14  —  “He knows are frame; He remembers that we are dust.”