Authentic Christianity: Continuous Conversion

by Pastor Roy Esposito

Romans 10:10

“Knowing God is not a mind thing. God is beyond human thought.  Knowing Him is a love thing. To know Him is to love Him.”.  — PR

Western religion  — tells people what to know instead of how to know.

Church at a crossroads — From belief systems to actual inner experiences with God — From head to heart.

“If our salvation remains in our minds alone without transforming our hearts it will be just an idea that’s never fully expressed in our reality”. —  PR

Jesus saved us — not just from something but for something: We’re saved by LOVE  to LOVE


  • John 3:3-5  — Born of the Spirit to ENTER the Kingdom of God
  • 1 Corinthians 2:9
  • 2 Corinthians 5:17  — “A new life has begun.”

Viewpoint  — a view from a point!

Choosing Grace Now-O Mighty Ones

By Pastor Marie Esposito

Luke 12:32
Romans 14:17

Truths: We are His Warrior Bride dressed in white
We are clothed in new garments of praise and worship as New Creations, wearing our Holy Armor. We are being formed into New Wineskins.
We have access to the heavenly realm and kingdom.

Proverbs 4:23
Hebrews 4:16

We submit to the progressive maturation process.

I John 3:8
Colossians 3: 2,9,10 
Colossians 4:12 Stand perfect and complete in all the will of God 
2 Corinthians 2:14-17
Ephesians 2:1,5,12b,13
Psalm 27:14

Father, I want to be filled with Your compassion.
Show me Your heart.
 I am a settling place for Your Reigning Presence of glory!

Pressing the Battle: Taking the Initiative

By Pastor Roy Esposito

Matthew 11:12

Passion Translation: “… the realm of heaven’s kingdom is bursting forth and passionate people have taken hold of it’s power.”

Micah 2:12-13  — “breaking forth”

1 Samuel 17 — David and Goliath

1 Samuel 17:24,26,28-29 

Cathartic  — to purge

Psalms 105:19 (Passion)   “God’s promise to Joseph purged his character until it was time for his dream to come true.”

Psalms 107:20 — “He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction.”           

His word to us doesn’t just purge us,it also heals and delivers us from destruction. It’s the breaking that brings the breakthrough!  — PR     

Principles For Victory

  1. Don’t “live to man” letting others define who we are.                     

      2. Refuse to stay offended

Sochoh and Azekah  – “a fence”  division / separation          

When we remain offended the devil’s got us because his power comes through division.  — PR

Hebrews 12:14-15 – The “root of bitterness”  — poison to the heart

       3. Face Your Fears  

Ephesians 6: 13-18 – The Armor of God has no provision for our hind quarters because we’re to face our enemies with His armor on. 

“When you’ve got God’s armor on the devil doesn’t know if it’s you or God Himself.” – Kenneth Copeland

       4. Be Aggressive In Your Faith

Play to win!  Don’t play not to lose.

Psalms 84:5-7, 11-12

Confessing Our Faith: The 5 Stones of David

by Pastor Roy Esposito

Brennan Manning  — “We must confess our sins. We must acknowledge the evil operative that resides within us, which shows itself through our relentless self-absorption.   If we gloss over our selfishness and the evil within us, we can only pretend to be sinners and therefore only pretend to be forgiven.”
“Christ’s love and compassion is not given due to our goodness.  On the other hand, it’s also not withheld because of our lack of goodness.” — PR
Genesis 15:1-21 — God’s covenant with Abram required an offering.
— God asks us to give Him something that He, Himself, doesn’t need — but something we need to give!
1 Samuel 17 — David vs. Goliath
1 Samuel 17:40 — 5 Smooth Stones of Warfare — 5 Proclamations of Promise / 5 Confessions of Faith
1) Covenential Confidence (1 Samuel 17:26).  We have one with God — Our enemy doesn’t!!!
2) Don’t lose heart for the battle!  — “I’m all in to the end!” — (1 Samuel 17:32)
3) Remember Past Victories — (1 Samuel 17: 37)
4) Confidence in the humble, mighty in God, weapons of your warfare — (1 Samuel 17:45, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5)
5) Declared Faith — (1 Samuel 17:46-47)  “This day… !”