Intercession: The Ministry of Reconciliation

Intercession: The Ministry of Reconciliation

by Pastor Roy Esposito

Immature prayer – we try to change God’s mind

Mature prayer – we ask God to help change us and cede control to Him believing in His goodness and love.

Mark 9:23 – All things now become possible!

Three Goals of Mature Prayer

  1. To help reconcile ourselves with the human condition of life.
  2. For courage and humility to repent of sin.
  3. To recover a sense of awe of the intricacies of God’s creation and our part in it.


It doesn’t have to be a blue iris
it could be weeds in a vacant lot
Or a few small stones
Just pay attention, then try to patch a few words together
Don’t make them elaborate
This isn’t a contest but a doorway to thanks!
It’s an entrance into a silence in which another’s voice may speak.
– Mary Oliver

John 14:13 – The works Jesus did and greater!

Romans 10:17 – “Faith come by hearing the Word…” – Spirit to spirit hearing

Belief systems – experiences, perceptions, and deductions

Faith – a gift of the Spirit – 1 Corinthians 12:9

2 Corinthians 5:18 – Ministers of Reconciliation

Reconcile – to someone or something consistent and compatible with another – GOD

Intercession – Paga (Greek) – encounter – a place of meeting.

Jesus interceded and became the “meeting place” where humanity met God. – PR

1 Corinthians 15:55(Passion)

Psalm 5:3 “…every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on Your altar and wait for Your fire to fall on my heart.” – King David

Romans 6:4-9

Romans 8:10-11(Passion)

“Ministers of Reconciliation are dispersal units of the life-force of Jesus Christ.” – PR

Colossians 1:21-27(Passion)