True Faith and An Enlightened Heart


by Pastor Marie Esposito

True Faith and An Enlightened Heart

by Pastor Roy Esposito

Ephesians 1:18(NIV) ”…that the eyes of your HEART would be enlightened in order to KNOW…”

— Our hearts will embrace what our heads can not.

— Our hearts will lead us to places in God that our heads could not even imagine.

Courage and Valor can never be attributed to our intellect.
Courage rises from our inner self and supersedes our reasoning.

True faith has the same affect and influence over our minds.

Faith doesn’t come because we understand; it comes from the Heart.

We don’t believe because we understand —  We will understand because we believe.

— This current time — An opportunity to lift our lifestyle UP to the standard of God’s Word.

Psalm 119:105  — Love God’s Word and NOTHING will offend you.

“Rest and peace will follow an unoffended heart.”  –PR

We must embrace all of God’s instruction, AS IT IS WRITTEN, even before we understand why God has said it. And don’t think we can actually DO IT. — We must also learn to embrace NOT KNOWING  (mystery) as a BLESSING.

— It must be this way until we stand before Him at The Judgement  b/.c:
God must violate our logic in order to pry us away from the deception that results from relying on our own reasoning.”PR

— Proverbs 3:5  — Trust in God — NOT your reasoning!
— 1 Peter 5:7 — “Cast you cares on Him for He cares for you.”

— Having your hearts enlightened may not prevent you from becoming offended. it will give you the wisdom and ability to REPENT and move on and up with grace and peace!