…but I Call You Friend – 11-Apr-2021

The Fear of the Lord

by Pastor Marie

…but I Call You Friend

by Pastor Roy

  • John 3:16
  • John 15:9-17(TPT)
  • “Friends” – Aramaic – FAMILY
  • “Servants” (Greek – Doulos) – “Slaves” – We Serve but are not Servants because we serve willingly
  • 1 Corinthians 12: 27 – “Body of Christ.”
  • Revelation 19:7-9, 21:2, Isaiah 54:5 – Bride of Christ

A True Friend:

  1. Has a bond of affection
  2. Takes time to BE with us
  3. A benefactor, a backer, a supporter, a defender, and champion
  4. Trusts us
  5. Understands us and even when they do not – still tries to
  6. Is there for us when they can be but also sets boundaries
  7. An ally in a struggle or cause
  8. Stands up for you when others try to hurt you – physically or emotionally
  9. Forgives you no matter what you do
  10. Tells you when you are being stupid but does not make you feel stupid
  11. Does not care if you are ugly or boring and never thinks about it

Essay by C. Raymond Beran  –  “What Is A Friend?”