Adam is Us! – 29-Aug-2021

Any outward display of power without inner transformation isn’t Supernatural, just Superhuman.

Spiritual Anbesol – Busyness, “Toys,” Noise.  Or any Distraction to distract us

Serpent’s lie – Venom that poisoned Adam’s identity in God; midwife to the False Self

In its simplicity, the desire to be like God is the desire to be what God originally intended for man to be.

Adam’s Sin – more a matter of IDENTITY than a SIN of MORALITY

Adam is more than a historical figure whose mess up created a multi-generational “Identity Birth defect” – Adam is US in our disobedience to God.

The Inner Battle – Truth Vs. Lie – God’s Gift of Identity Vs. An Illusion – True Self Vs. False Self

False self – must go to the Cross each day to be deconstructed

Thomas Merton – ”The secret of my identity is hidden in the love and mercy of God.”

1 Corinthians 15:45-46 – Jesus, The Second Adam – God’s Mercy

James 1: 22-25(NIV) Do not merely listen to the Word – DO IT!