Pentecost: The Power of God’s Love – 5-Jun-22


Pentecost — ”Wisdom Sunday”

Power (Greek) – Dunamis – Energy of great force; an EXPLOSION of power

Power to BECOME witnesses of Jesus. -When people see them – they’ll see Him.

Acts 1:4-5,8(TPT) – “Stay and wait” for the promise of the Father.

Promise – an announcement of WHAT the promise is and the assurance that what was promised will be done.

Matthew 3:11 – Baptism of Water and of Fire

Fire – Purification

Acts 2:1-4(TPT) “Sound AS a rushing wind…” – speaks of Jesus’ breath into His disciples.

“Pillar of Fire” – Represents the Presence of God and an imbuement of power.

“Tongues of Fire” – “It was as though each one received an overpowering personal flame of fire that would empower him and lead him through his life.”
– Brian Simmons

An Incomprehensible CALL and a PROMISE that the Call can be fulfilled through the imbuement of power through the Holy Spirit

“Stay and Wait” – Step away from our natural rhythm to synchronize with the Spirit’s rhythm.

Human Rationality – Left/Right sides of the human brain

Left  = Analytical

Right = Creative – Hears His voice

The church must set aside Rationalism to enable the Creative Flow to anoint our thought process and allow the INFINITE GOD to influence the FINITE.

1 Corinthians 1:27(NKJ) – God has chosen the foolish (less rational) to shame the wise.

1 Corinthians 1:25(Message) – Men’s wisdom can’t measure up to God’s weaknesses

God said, “I AM,” not “I Do.” 

What IS God? – 1 John 4:8 – ”God IS love.” – “God IS consistent.”

“God’s love remains unconditional, unlimited, and incredibly extravagant; it never relies on human faithfulness or unfaithfulness.” –PR

“The Baptism of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost is the inextinguishable FIRE that sets God’s love ablaze and is the only hope of our calling’s fulfillment.” –PR

LOVE is our Calling – LOVE is our true identity.

We were created from Love – of Love – and for Love

“Until the church awakens and embraces this truth, it will remain in the elementary grades of Christion Spiritual Transformation.” –PR

Romans 8:36-39(TPT) – NOTHING can separate us from His love and its power once we accept this as the truth.

The Ascension – 29-May-22

by Pastor Roy Esposito

                                     The Ascension                                    5-29-22

– 2Cor 1:20 (TPT) “For all of God’s promises find their YES of fulfillment in Him. And as His Yes and our Amen ASCEND to God, we bring Him glory.”

– When God is Glorified, His power is Magnified. It is the power given to believers to overcome any obstacle that may arise.

– Message Bible – “It is a sure beginning to what God plans to complete.”

–PROMISE- [Grk] Espangelia  – Both the Promise itself and the assurance of that promise’s fulfillment

  REMEMBER RECORD  – REVIEW  – RECITE (aloud) and they will become the very fabric of your Being and the platform of your operations.

– Jesus Christ is both the Promise of God and the fulfillment of it.

Phil 2:13 – “For it is God who works in you to will and to work, for His good pleasure.”

– It is God, Himself, whose power creates in us the desire to come to fulfill His Purpose for us.

– Rom 8:28 (NLT)  – “All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

– Rom 8:29 (NLT) -” And having chosen them, He called them to come to Him. And He gave them right standing with Himself, and he PROMISED them his glory.”

– God has invited us into the holy community He shares with His Son and the Holy Spirit.

– Qualifiers: 

1. To LOVE as defined in 1Cor 13:4-7 {please read for clarity}

2. Say “YES” to His call. We are “called” to become MORE THAN WE ARE: A call to His Purpose.

Eastertide: 5 celebrations that each underline a specific step in the process of “becoming’.

  1. Lent – A sacrifice of SELF. Speaks of the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert and the 3 temptations He faced and overcame. 

– These are common to humanity and must be faced and rejected:

a. Temptation to sieze Power – b. To base identity on Prestige – c. Gain status through Possessions.

  1. Palm Sunday  Relates to the Passion with which Jesus embraced His purpose.

Passion Week – Week in between Palm and Resurrection Sundays.

Speaks of the need for daily expressions of purpose.

                  3. Resurrection Sunday Speaks of the transformation of all creation

          4. Ascension  Day – Celebrates the final blow to satan’s power over the  

                               earth. It is the assurance of the promise’s fulfillment

          5. Pentecost – The giving of the power to become the New Creation            

                    through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit     

– *Interesting*  – Before Jesus ascended He took His disciples to the Mt. of Olives: The place first associated with His suffering and passion but now the place associated with His Glory.   

– It was a seminal moment of transition: From the passion of His suffering to the Glory of His resurrection.

– Within the process of Transformation there is Transition.  

– Ascension Day – is a reminder of Jesus’ total victory over evil.

– Remembrance – becomes a transitional factor as we move from sorrow, doubt, discouragement, and fear to joy, hope, and greater faith.  

–                       Three Important Theological Truths 

  1. He ascended into heaven in bodily form – not just vapor – not just Spirit 

       Inference; He took humanity to the heavenly realm with Him

  1. Assures us of joining  Him, The Father, and the Holy Spirit in Holy Communion and Community
  2. Assurance of His continued mediation and intercession for us and giving us access to the ongoing flow of the Holy Spirit’s power.                                                                                                       

Communion 22-May-2022

We want to do something physical in order to release the supernatural.
We lift our hands to You, Jesus, in complete surrender.
God, we praise You and exalt You right now.
Praise creates a forcefield around us that the enemy cannot touch.
It lifts us into the heavenly realm. 
Worship releases Your manifest Presence into our lives.
We bow down and worship You, Lord.
We speak and declare that:
We desire to diminish the enemy’s plan 
We want to launch Your plan, Lord, here, right now, in agreement with Your Word and the Holy Spirit.
We want to release Your kingdom in every area of our lives.
God, Your intention is that we live in Your heartbeat renewed, transformed, empowered, and filled.
We desire to abide and remain in a communal relationship with You.

Thank You, Lord, and Amen.

When we take communion: we are celebrating the finished work of the
Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, together as His body.  We are DECLARING AND DECREEING THAT THE CROSS HAS THE FINAL SAY in our lives.  What Jesus paid for with His life is ours.

For communion:

  • prepare
  • worship
  • find rest
  • find peace


We separate from the first Adam and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and attach ourselves to the last Adam and the Tree of Life in a covenant relationship with Him.
–Wade Taylor

We are a branch attached to the Vine in a place of abiding and remaining.  THEN WE TAKE COMMUNION AS AN ACT OF FAITH.

In the kingdom of God, physical obedience brings spiritual release.  Life is released through our obedience.
–Bill Johnson

[We practice the disciplines in faith to bring life to our lives.]

So, what did Jesus say about communion?
Paul writes in I Corinthians 11:23-25,26

Taking communion
POSITION and aligning ourselves.
He said to do it often.
Stand soberly, reverentially, resting and at peace: grateful and celebrating your victory.

How we stand:

  • Worship
  • Rest
  • Peace  

Worship – in gratitude, opens the heavens. 

Rest creates a relational cycle of constant surrender – We rest in the awareness that God is present.

Peace is a ruling state of being. 

“When we take communion, we remember Who He is and What He has done.  We agree with what Jesus did for us – we declare and decree in agreement with the power of His crucifixion and resurrection by our actions – celebrating communion with Him.”
–Marie Esposito

Taking His very life (the Bread) and drinking His blood ( the fruit of the vine),  we receive.

We agree and announce BY OUR ACTIONS what Jesus did, and we receive empowerment from the spirit realm.

“Communion is the meal of absolute victory; Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross was more than enough to bring healing to our bodies and freedom from sin.  Jesus commanded us to take communion in remembrance of Him that we would continually live aware of the victory we walk in.”
–Bill Johnson

1 Corinthians 10:16-17

Jesus is the Bread of Life.  We are His body.  Communion brings His very life into our body.

The law of the Spirit of Life – we are SET FREE FROM THE LAW of sin and death through His Resurrection and Ascension  –
WE  receive healing, divine health, and longevity of life.
We identify with His Life gift- we are SET FREE  by HIS BLOOD
Romans 8
First Adam – a living soul
Last Adam – Quickening Spirit.


We celebrate this when we take communion.

Power to Overcome – 15-May-2022

Align by Pastor Marie Esposito
by Pastor Roy Esposito

“Born Again” – a new state of being

It begins with a personal decision with a commitment to that which will allow me to apprehend it.

I must come to the truth that there is no ME apart from my actual life.

I am not separate from my life – I can’t say “I believe” – and then act in a totally opposite manner.

Being Born Again can’t remain just a concept. 

It must translate into what I actually do in my daily interactions IF it is to be meaningful.

Because – if I don’t LIVE it, I will never EXPERIENCE the benefits of what it tangibly means for my life

Without experiencing God’s goodness, it will be hard to believe His promises and plans for me.

Experiencing the goodness that following Jesus affords is foundational to attaining the “Life More Abundant” that He spoke about.

When we receive Jesus as our Lord, we receive LIBERTY.

But without Experiencing His goodness, Liberty can soon devolve into License.

This is because there is a constant conflict within each of us—a battle for control of our minds.

Romans 8:7-9 “The carnal mind is enmity with the Spirit.”

The solution lies in yielding to the Spirit of God.

Galatians 5:16-17(TPT)”As you yield freely and fully to the dynamic life and power of the Holy Spirit, you will abandon the cravings of your self-life.

“For your self-life craves the things that offend the Holy Spirit and hinder Him from living free within you!  And the Holy Spirit’s intense cravings hinder your old self-life from dominating you.  So then, the two incompatible and conflicting forces within you are your self-life of the flesh and the new creation life of the Spirit.”

It is important to understand and acknowledge that the battle we’re engaged in is not with some overpowering cosmic force from without; the battle is WITHIN.

We have to “see” that what seems invincible has ALREADY been defeated by Jesus’ cross. – and act as such.

If not, we will continue to convince ourselves that we are just helpless victims and not Victorious Conquerors.  [see Romans 8:32-39(TPT)]

If we believe we are helpless, we won’t continue to wrestle – we’ll just ‘let it happen to us” – We’re Only Human – right?

Ironically, these patterns of wrong thoughts that lead to wrong actions are not the invincible forces they masquerade as – they’re instead fragile!

They are a simple matter of old habits, feelings, and perceptions we carry about certain things and people.

They are remnants of the “Old Man” and the “Shadow Nature.”

They are typically activated without any reflection.

We probably would not have let them influence us if we had thought things through.

Often these actions of sin are actually contrary to who we really are.

They are rarely the result of deliberation and careful calculations.

Left unchecked, our routine unconscious behavior will manage to keep our deliberate will and conscious mind off-balance and on the defensive.

This causes us to do more wrong through denial, rationalization, the use of misleading words, or outright lies.

Romans 14:17 – “The Kingdom of God is Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Spirit.” – Right?

These are INNER conditions of being.

Luke 17:21 – “…for indeed, the Kingdom of God is WITHIN you.

This is why the battle is fought within:
It’s a matter of what’s IN us that will make the difference in the type of life we’ll live.

John 14:30 – Jesus told them, “…the ruler of this world is coming, but he has NOTHING IN ME.”

The struggle in the Garden of Gethsemane was a matter of Jesus’ inner man – His mind and emotions – being hammered, trying to get Him to Distrust the Father.

But it was what was NOT in Jesus that kept Him impervious to the attack of the enemy; ultimately, the ruler of this world had nothing in Him! – and He was aware of that!

Yielding to the Spirit and becoming Born Again allows the Spirit’s power to keep us from being deceived.

We are able to realize that nothing has the power to lead us into wrong thoughts or actions except that which we have given power by permitting it to remain in us.

And the most dangerous ones are the “little things” that we leave unattended to because we regard them as “normal.”

But we are no longer normal if we’re “Born Again.”  We are a new species(new creation) that hold heavenly characteristics.

Experiencing it will seal it as our “New Normal.”

Fortunately, God has equipped us for victory in the battle.

2 Corinthians 10:4-6(TPT) “…our spiritual weapons are energized with divine power to effectively dismantle the defenses behind which people hide.  We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude raised in defiance of God’s true knowledge.  Like prisoners of war, we capture every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One.

Since we are armed with such dynamic weaponry, we stand ready to punish any trace of rebellion as soon as you CHOOSE COMPLETE OBEDIENCE.”

We will have victory when we choose, fully and freely, to surrender the old stuff to the Spirit.

It can be as simple as, “Yes, Lord, I want to be Born Again.”

A Mother’s Influence – 5/8/2022

Mother’s Day Encouragement by Pastor Marie
A Mother’s Influence by Pastor Roy


Today is a day set aside to honor mothers.

Not everyone is a mother but all of us Have mothers.

There are many types of mothers: good ones, bad ones, biological, spiritual even DEN mothers  for the Cub Scouts among us

It’s been said that Mother’s Day is traditionally the day when children give something back to their mothers for all the Spit they produce while washing dirty faces, all the old gum they held in their hands, all the noses they wiped, and all the bloody knees they ‘made well’ with their kisses.

This is a day mothers are rewarded for washing sheets in the middle of the night, driving kids to school when they missed the bus, and enduring all those football and soccer games in the rain.

Mothers hold a very influential part in our lives.

I believe the greatest, most important job in the world is being a mother.

Mothers are teachers, disciplinarians, and cleaning ladies; some are gardeners and landscapers. Mothers are Doctors, Lawyers, Psychologists, and counselors– chauffeurs and coaches.

Mothers are peacemakers, Nurses, educators, accountants, and entertainers

Mothers are developers of personalities, and molders of attitudes.

Mothers are soft voices saying, ”I love you, it’s gonna be OK.”  

Mothers are a LINK to GOD – they are the first impression of God’s love for us.

For all this and much, much more – we celebrate moms today.

Mother’s Day began as an early Christian festival in Europe called “Mothering Sunday” – and the faithful were called back to their original Mothe Church

It was designated to be on the 4th Sunday of Lent.

In the USA two women were integral to the celebration of Mother’s Day: Ann Jarvis and Julia Howe

Just before the Civil War, and although she had no children of her own,  Ann Jarvis started “Mother’s Day Work Clubs to teach young mothers how to care for their children

These clubs became a unifying force in a region of the country still divided by the war.

In 1868, “Mother’s Friendship Day” began  and both union and confederate soldiers gathered to promote reconciliation

1870 – Julia Howe wrote the “Mother’s Day Proclamation” which was a call to mothers to unite for world peace.

1914 Pres. Woodrow Wilson established the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day, with no mention of reconciliation nor world peace.

Mothers are a conveyance of generational spiritual blessings and anointings: and a great catalyst in faith-building.

2 Timothy 1:4b-5 (TPT)  “I’m filled with joy as I think of your strong faith that passed down through your family line. It began with your grandmother, Lois, who passed it on to your dear mother, Eunice. And it’s clear that you too are following in the footsteps of their godly example.”

Today, we’re gathered to make a public expression of our love and reverence for the mothers of our country.  We love you moms!

End with a column written by Erma Bombeck:

On the Day Mothers Were Created
-Erma Bombeck

On the day God created mothers He had already worked overtime.

An angel said to Him, “Lord, you sure are spending a lot of time on this one.”

The Lord turned and said, ”Have you read the specs on this model? She is completely washable, but not plastic. She is to have 180 moving parts, all of them replaceable. She is to have a kiss that will heal everything from a broken leg to a broken heart.

She is to have a lap that disappears whenever she stands up.  She is to be able to function on black coffee and leftovers.  And she is supposed to have six pairs of hands.”

“Six pairs of hands!”, said the angel, “that’s impossible.”

“It’s not the six pairs of hands that’s the problem,” said the Lord, “It’s the three pairs of eyes.

She’s supposed to have one pair that sees through closed doors so that whenever she says, “What are you kids doing in there?” She already knows what they’re doing in there.

She has another pair in the back of her head to see all the things she’s not supposed to see.  And she has one right in front that can look at a child and who goofed and communicate love and understanding without saying a word.”

“That’s too much”, said the angel, “You can’t put that much into one model.  Why don’t you rest for a while and resume your creating tomorrow?”

“No, I can’t”, said the Lord, “I’m close to creating someone very much like myself.  I’ve already come up with a model who can heal herself when she’s sick – and who can feed a family of six with one pound of hamburger and who can persuade a nine-year-old to take a shower.”

Then the angel looked at the model more closely and said, ”She’s too soft.”

“Oh, but she’s tough”, said the Lord, “You’d be surprised at how much this mother can do.”

“Can she think?” asked the angel “Not only can she think”, said the Lord, “but she can reason and compromise and persuade.”

Then the angel reached over and touched her cheek. “This one has a leak,” he said. “I told you, that you couldn’t put that much in one model.”

“That’s not a leak”, said the Lord, “That’s a tear.”

“What’s a tear for?” asked the angel.

“Well, it’s for joy and sadness, disappointment and for pride.”

“You’re a genius,” said the angel.

And the Lord said, “Oh. I didn’t put that there, it’ comes as part of the package.”

Born Again – 1-May-2022

Being Born Again – is NOT just “changing uniforms and teams”- Devils to Angels.

It should signal that one has received and accepted a Divine Invitation to a whole new State of Being – Spiritually Transformative.

John 2 – Jesus does His first miracle: Water to Wine at a wedding feast.

John 2:11 – “…This was a sign revealing His glory (illuminating His divine state of being), and His disciples Believed in Him.

Something out of the ordinary was seen, which caused people to believe.

“I believe that when we are Born Again, our lives should reflect something “out of the ordinary” – in our words, actions, and attitudes – but also in a godly Heart approach to everything and everyone we interact with.” – PR

John 2:23 – “…many believed in His name when they SAW the signs He did.”

Believing seems tied to Seeing.

John 3 – Nicodemus, the Teacher of Israel – “How does this work?  It’s God, I know – BUT HOW?”

John 3:3 – ”Most assuredly, I say to you unless one is Born Again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.”

Nicodemus could see the miracles but couldn’t understand them. He could recognize the Kingdom but couldn’t conceive how it worked.

John 3:5-6 – Born of water (Water of the Word: Ephesians 5:25-26, James 1:18, 1 Peter 1:23) and the Spirit’s breath one cannot enter the Kingdom – Flesh is Flesh / Spirit is Spirit.

Abilities that accompany the New Birth:

The Word of God becomes clearer

H.S. works and wonders become solid experiences

Faith comes alive

Affectations of the Kingdom become realized – “On Earth, as it is in Heaven.”

“New birth is more than being “saved.”  It is a requalifying experience opening up the possibilities of our whole being to the supernatural dimension of life fitting us for a beginning in God’s kingdom order.”  – J. Hayford

Keys:  1. Must be received by FAITH

2. Give oneself to it fully


Religious people

Consumer Christians – a) “Get out of hell free”  b) Utilize church for activities without ever giving their lives fully to God –  inner selves, thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Never inwardly transformed and not committed to becoming so.

The experiences received in this realm are transforming – step by step – “Glory to Glory.”

If we are not motivated by the Spirit, we will remain motivated by another force: Our natural proclivity toward SIN – Romans 6:16 “Slaves to sin.”

2 Corinthians 3:16-18(TPT) (PLEASE READ)

Psalms 27:13 – “Lord, I want to SEE and EXPERIENCE your goodness here in the “land of the living.  I’m willing to commit to that which will allow me to do so.”

The Mind of Christ

by Pastor Marie Esposito

What is our true identity? How can we understand the mysteries of the kingdom? By taking on the mind of Christ.

The transformation of our thought life by taking on the mind of Christ [his ideas, images, information, and patterns of thinking] opens the way to deliverance of every dimension of the human self.

      Phil 2:5 – “ and consider the example that Jesus, the Anointed One, has set before us.


We can live in a true spiritual atmosphere of light and life and joy as we worship God; and have pushed back the darkness; we stand clothed in the armor of light; ready to discern His voice as He walks in our garden: in communion with Him. 

         Can we? Yes.

         But we have the mind of Christ [to be guided by His thoughts and  purpose I Cor 2:16   

It’s all written in the Word of God, and every verse has been breathed on by the Spirit of revelation to embed a deeper meaning of practical insight and guide our steps into the life God has meant for us.

     What is The mind of Christ? – the perspective of living and acting in the realm of the Spirit through

1. knowing Who He is

2. What He taught  and

3. Why He came

If we are truly born again and walking in the Spirit, we will engage in the process of being TRANSFORMED by the renewing of our minds every day…to prove what is the good, the acceptable, and the perfect will of God. The spirit of Christ transforms us.   Romans 12

Our mind involves at least four major areas: ideas, images, information, and our ability to think. In a sense, the greatest battlefield in the world is located between our ears, and the stakes are incredibly high.  Our “mind” constitutes the intellect or understanding and includes all that is described in the word “mindset,” that is, the feelings and the will  -The whole man.

Again,  “let HIS  mindset be your motivation.

           Be completely changed: renewed!  

“renew” –  a restoration to freshness.

It intimates the potential of redemption’s power to reinstate features of God’s original intention for humanity.  [A mystery of the kingdom]

God’s RESTORATION or renewal of us includes a recovery of many potentialities of the human mind and soul as designed before the Fall –  a literal change in the form of thought or being. [a mystery of the Kingdom]

This restored relationship through the Messiah’s life breaks the curse and leads to forgiveness, healing, freedom, and eternal life.


Consider this:

     If God’s majesty, grace, and power are not being exhibited in us, God holds us responsible.

 In Peter:

“By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.”   

       To DEMONSTRATE  His mind, His life, and His power.

      Col 3:10 “Take another mind.” Metanoia- repent and have a  transformational  change of heart, a change of your way of life, a change of direction due to a spiritual conversion. CHANGE YOUR MIND.

     When Jesus was alone with His disciples, He shared the truths of the parables, which explain the mysteries of the kingdom of God. 

His mysteries are the whole work of redemption [the full gospel]  from first to last.

Jesus told His disciples that it had been given to them to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, and He taught them what they were. Matt 13:10 

We are His disciples. He is the Author and Finisher of our faith.

We have access to the mind of Christ to understand the mysteries of Christ.

Phil 2:5 “And consider the example that Jesus, the Anointed One, has set before us. LET HIS MINDSET BECOME YOUR MOTIVATION.”

Phil  2:5 “Let this same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.

Phil 2:6-11 His Way of living: His Mindset:

Emptied Himself, became a slave, became a human, Humbled Himself, was obedient. Totally dependent on the Holy Spirit of Truth.


In Philippians 2:2 & 5, the Word reads: “Be of the same mind, of one mind, let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.”  

In  Phil 3:15, “Let those of us then who are mature be of the same mind.”

Phil 2:12-13 “ continue to make this new life fully MANIFESTED as you live in the holy awe of God – which brings you trembling into His Presence. God will continually revitalize you, implanting the passion for doing what pleases Him within you.

Manifest- [emphanidzo]  revealed radiance,  or 

      the self-revelation of Jesus to US.        

Paul describes the opposite of the mind of Christ as the struggles among believers in the Philippian church- because of this kind of thinking shaping behavior – people insisting on getting their own way and not being like-minded leads to discord. 

In Phil 4:2, Paul urges two women who had been disagreeing over some issue “to be of the same mind,” which is the mind of Christ

These issues continue to plague human relationships both inside and outside the church, but they don’t need to have the final word; we can change our minds about what is happening. 

God’s Spirit and power will be increasingly evident in our life as we will imitate Christ’s humble, obedient service as we surrender. 

Paul says this is the central defining act of the Christian faith: the attitude, the approach that all Christ-followers are to demonstrate. It may go against our human nature, it goes against the tide of popular culture, but it is the way Christians are supposed to be in having the mind of Christ. 

Phil 2:5 “Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus,”  

Col 3:2  Yes, feast on all the treasures of the heavenly realm and fill your thoughts with heavenly realities, not with the distractions of the natural realm.

                                         It will change your life.

The Renaissance Church – 10-Apr-2022

Palm – Symbol of victory over death.

John 12:12-16 – ” Now, Jesus’ disciples didn’t fully understand….”
Matthew 22:37-40(TPT) – Love God and each other with all the passion of your Heart.
1 Kings 3:9 – Solomon asked God for an Understanding/Hearing Heart
Daniel 11:32b – The people who know their God’s Heart will be strong and do great exploits.

The Gospel is not simply Information; it must be “lived out” to be effective.

“Information is not knowledge.
Information must be followed by interpretation for it to yield knowledge.”
Albert Einstein

1 Corinthians 14:13 – Pray for the interpretation of the mystery. Why? 
Because mystery needs interpretation. 
“1. What does this mean?  2. What must I do?”
1 Corinthians 14:19 – Paul said he would rather speak 5 words with understanding

Experiences with God help to develop Trust in Him yielding increased spiritual maturity.

“Each person who chooses to be an adult in faith
must Trust his or her Experience of God.”
William Callahan

Matthew 11:28-29 – “Learn of Me…”
Learning God’s Language
Have a desire to learn – be motivated
Get equipped – a) Study the Bible, it’s God’s language book b) have solid teaching of how He’s moved in the past
Be in an environment where His language is “spoken”
Embrace Humility
Be Patient
Remember: God wants you to understand Him

The Renaissance Church will transition from a Church of rules and rites to an instrument of God’s power.

A Present Word For Today:
Proverbs 22:20-21(TPT) – “Pay attention to these excellent sayings of three-fold things. For within My words you will discover true and reliable revelation. They will give you serenity so that you can reveal the truth of the Word of the One who sends you.”

Insight Beyond Analysis: A Hearing Heart

by Pastor Roy Esposito

James 1:2-4(Message) “…let it (the challenges) do its work, so you become MATURE and well-developed, not deficient in any way.”

Daniel 11:32b – “The people who know their God will be STRONG and carry out GREAT EXPLOITS.”

1 Kings 3:9 – Solomon asks God for an “Understanding Heart.”

Spirit – PNEUMA – The Breath or Wind of the Spirit “Let the Spirit BREATHE LIFE into all my choices.”

Orthodoxy – Proper Belief   Orthopraxy – proper Practice of those beliefs

                 Orthocardia – practicing with the proper HEART (1 John 4:8)

As I allow my trials and challenges to shake me and awaken me, I’m refocused. I learn to TRUST God’s love for me, and I gain maturity. Here, the Mysteries start to become unveiled and unraveled, and I see from an elevated viewing platform.”– PR

“Praying from behind.” – AFTER something happens

“Praying from an elevated platform” – Praying with Prophetic Insight inspired and empowered by the FAITH of the Son of God.

Galatians 2:20(KJV, TPT) “…I live by the faith OF the Son of God.”

Colossians 1:27 – ”Christ WITHIN…” – Jesus’ faith LIVES in me!

Exodus 3:1-4 “Burning Bush” – Moses had a simple faith

Faith will ACTIVATE the promises of God. It is the doorway to REVELATION

Keys: ASK – SEEK  – KNOCK – Wait patiently

Luke 24:49 – Wait in Jerusalem for the power on high

Acts 2:5-13 – The kingdom age starts with a dramatic demonstration and revelation of Mystery.

Questions asked then and now:
1.” What does this mean?”
2.“What must we do?”

“What does each event I experience mean, and what should my reaction to it be?

“The degree to which we are able to answer these questions with the proper ORTHOCARDIA will determine the influence we will have over the circumstances we’ll encounter.”  – PR

Mark 4:26-29 Jesus will return when the CROP is mature

We serve a God who granted Solomon his wish.

1 Samuel 3:7-11 – “Speak Lord, Your servant is listening.”

Great Exploits

  • The Gospel is a DECLARATION of LOVE that changed everything.
  • John 3;16 – “For God so loved…
  • 1 John 4:8  – “God IS love.”
  • Colossians 1:27 – A Mystery revealed – ”Christ within….”
  • Romans 6:11 – I can RECKON myself ( consider and believe) dead to sin
    • Ephesians 2:4-10 – ” I am alive to God in Christ…”  – I don’t have to fight what is already dead any longer
  • Romans 7:5  – the MOTIONS of sin
  • Motions – The AFFLICTION and the AFFECTATIONS of sin
  • Romans 7:6(TPT)  –Being fully released, we can now “live in the freshness of a new life in the Power of the SPIRIT.
  • Spirit – (Greek)  – Pneuma The BREATH or wind of the Spirit
  • The Power of the Spirit  – allows me to live fully and functionally in participation with that which Jesus has ALREADY accomplished
  • In Adam – we inherited the nature and consciousness of sin (Good & Evil)
  • In Christ – we inherited a new and divine state of being Jesus called, 
    • “Life more abundant.
  • “Great Exploits” – not just greater works from the same human platform of life but  works beyond our current understanding with
    • Real Power – Real Wisdom and Real Holiness
  • Deuteronomy 30:11-14(Message) God’s mysteries are meant to be solved 
  • Knowing the Father’s love empowers us to take “Risks” through FAITH because we will TRUST Him even when we don’t see or understand what’s happening.
  • Daniel 11:32b  “…. but the people who KNOW their God shall be strong and carry out GREAT EXPLOITS.
  • James 1:2-4(Message)