Of God’s Good Intention

Of God’s Good Intention


Rom 8:28
God’s purpose  — His “intention”
“Working together  —” — A Collaboration; a practical harmony between our circumstances and our faith.
Heb 11:6 (Passion)  – God rewards those who seek Him with passion!
” The combination of our love for God and our faith in Him act as a catalyst to release His grace.”
 “Grace is the divine element that empowers transformation.”
Matt 8:26  –“Little faith –”   —  Literal —“Without confidence” or immature faith
Faith is matured only in the context of resistance !!   — PR
Jer 32:38-42 (NKJV)
Deut. 6:4  — Shema Yisrael  — The Lord of “Oneness”
Jn 17: 11,13, 20-24, 26
Revealed — (Grk —Onoma)  — all that His name implies
1Cor 15:45  — Transcendent Man — ”  —a life giving spirit.”  – to germinate life    
Offence — an affront, transgression or act of assault
Dualism — “Un-Oneness”
1Cor 12;14, Eph 4:1-4  — The Body of Christ
1Cor 12:24-27 (Passion)  
2Cor 6:16 — (quotes Ezk 37:26-27)  — We are the Temple of God
Rev 21:3-4 (Passion)
Glowing aura of the Glory of God
12 Pearl Gates   —  God’s truth.
Pearl — formed in a living organism when an irritants enters soft tissue
12 Foundations
Emerald  — essence of a flourishing life of integrity and prosperity
Amethyst –(Purple)  Royal Priesthood
Ruby — Wisdom.  Costly glories won by the shed blood of Christ
Sapphire (Blue)  Natural excellence and beauty
Topaz – Advanced and improved vision and stability
Golden Streets clear as glass — The transparency with which the city will be traversed
Rev 21:5
Rev 21:22-27

The Celebration of Pentecost “Wisdom Sunday”

The Celebration of Pentecost “Wisdom Sunday

Pentecost —  Israel — “Feast of Harvest”–   Shavout
Christians — Birthday of the church of Jesus Christ
Whitsunday (Old English)  — WhitSunday or Wisdom Sunday
Traditionally, the Holy Spirit is known as  “The Wisdom of God”
Acts 1:4-5 (Passion Bible)
Acts 2:1-12 (Passion Bible)
Filled — Pleroo —  To be made full; An inward filling
Pletho —  To be furnished with or be equipped;  An outward filling  — anointing for ministry
2 Corinthians 6:16  — temples of the Holy Spirit
Romans 8:28 (Passion)
“All things work in a synergistic collaboration to bring about good for those who love God, put their faith in Him, and respond to the call to the journey which leads to fulfilling His intentions for them.”
God’s Intention  — Deuteronomy  6:4  — Shema Yisrael   —  “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is ONE”
John 17:21 — Jesus : That we’d be ONE.
1 Corinthians 13:8 —  Love never fails !
Hebrews 4:13, Luke 8:17 — Nothing id hidden from God
Natural Wisdom — Knowing how to apply knowledge.
Wisdom of God  — Assumes all knowledge.
It is the application of ZOE — the principal of life  —  by the PHOS  — the self-generated, unchanging Light of God, empowered by AGAPE —  Love that has no boundaries, limits or qualifiers  — the Substance of God.
Genesis 50:20

The Light / Life Connection

The Light / Life Connection

by Pastor Roy Esposito

John 1:1-5

Phos – A constant, self-generated, unwavering light

Jesus –: “The Word” – Logos

Logos – The highest principal of cosmic order.

“The Message”: The Blueprint for life.

John 1:9-10 – Jesus – “The True Light”

Hebrews 13:8

“We are all fired into life with a certain madness that comes from the gods…” – Plato

Jesus gives us an alternative to the madness:

A new “blueprint” for life. – The Mad Fire of desire and lust transformed to The Holy Fire of God

Holy Fire – “The Phos” – The Light of God

John 8:12 (PR’s interpretation) – “I Am the Phos (the Eternal Revelation Light of Life) which can never be extinguished.  He that chooses to follow Me shall not walk in Skotia – the darkness (chaos, misery and ruin) but shall also have the Phos – the Eternal Revelation Light of Life.”

John 1:4

Ephesians 5:13-14(AMP)

1 Corinthians 15:45 – Our “Super Power” 

– To Give Life to those who are dying in the darkness.

John 14:12

Revelations 12:11

Isaiah 2:2-5

A Word for the church today: “Although there are bends in the road in the form of your trials, I will cause each one of them to magnify MY LIGHT and make it more and more powerful IN YOU.  Do not fear nor be dismayed but instead ARISE – lift up your heads and SHINE – reflect MY Presence.  Walk in the LIGHT and bring to the Nations the many blessings of Life it contains.  “This My plan, purpose and desire for your lives.”

Psalm 119:130(Passion Bible)