Pentecost: The Power of God’s Love – 5-Jun-22


Pentecost — ”Wisdom Sunday”

Power (Greek) – Dunamis – Energy of great force; an EXPLOSION of power

Power to BECOME witnesses of Jesus. -When people see them – they’ll see Him.

Acts 1:4-5,8(TPT) – “Stay and wait” for the promise of the Father.

Promise – an announcement of WHAT the promise is and the assurance that what was promised will be done.

Matthew 3:11 – Baptism of Water and of Fire

Fire – Purification

Acts 2:1-4(TPT) “Sound AS a rushing wind…” – speaks of Jesus’ breath into His disciples.

“Pillar of Fire” – Represents the Presence of God and an imbuement of power.

“Tongues of Fire” – “It was as though each one received an overpowering personal flame of fire that would empower him and lead him through his life.”
– Brian Simmons

An Incomprehensible CALL and a PROMISE that the Call can be fulfilled through the imbuement of power through the Holy Spirit

“Stay and Wait” – Step away from our natural rhythm to synchronize with the Spirit’s rhythm.

Human Rationality – Left/Right sides of the human brain

Left  = Analytical

Right = Creative – Hears His voice

The church must set aside Rationalism to enable the Creative Flow to anoint our thought process and allow the INFINITE GOD to influence the FINITE.

1 Corinthians 1:27(NKJ) – God has chosen the foolish (less rational) to shame the wise.

1 Corinthians 1:25(Message) – Men’s wisdom can’t measure up to God’s weaknesses

God said, “I AM,” not “I Do.” 

What IS God? – 1 John 4:8 – ”God IS love.” – “God IS consistent.”

“God’s love remains unconditional, unlimited, and incredibly extravagant; it never relies on human faithfulness or unfaithfulness.” –PR

“The Baptism of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost is the inextinguishable FIRE that sets God’s love ablaze and is the only hope of our calling’s fulfillment.” –PR

LOVE is our Calling – LOVE is our true identity.

We were created from Love – of Love – and for Love

“Until the church awakens and embraces this truth, it will remain in the elementary grades of Christion Spiritual Transformation.” –PR

Romans 8:36-39(TPT) – NOTHING can separate us from His love and its power once we accept this as the truth.