Releasing the River (12-Feb-23)

by Pastor Roy Esposito

Last week – I said that  God would have us be persistent in prayer.

I encouraged us all to ask God for a larger dose of the spiritual gift of “Long-Suffering.”

Long-suffering is the ability to “hang in there” – not to suffer for a long time.  — Makrothumia – FORTITUDE.

“Cheetah Approach” – quick bursts – no endurance.

Ask for a “Bigger Heart” concerning prayer.

A Bigger heart – Is not just a desire to pray more but to attain a greater capacity to trust God’s faithfulness.

It’s the ability to sustain a level of prayer fervency, even if it should take years for a resolution.

Luke 11:5-13 – A guy gets out of bed to give bread to his friend not because he was nagged – but because of their relationship.

Hebrews 4:16 – “Come boldly to the throne of grace….” We can come because of our relationship as sons and daughters of God.

Luke 11:13 – “Earthly fathers know how to give good gifts to their children – how much more will our heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who would ask.”

The Prayer of Persistence is not about being a “scutch” (sig) – but about asking the Father, boldly and shamelessly, for more of the Holy Spirit’s fullness.

James 5:16b – “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much….”

Romans 3:21-26 – if any questions remain regarding your righteousness.

Effective Prayer – Contains the power to bind the “strong man” – the negative force that propels or sustains a circumstance.

Fervent – A passionate intensity – a blazing torrent of glowing hot resolve.

Visualize: An ugly demon supporting a disease – You take a hot fireball of faith-filled prayer power and release it – and it explodes as it unleashes a spiritual netting over him that renders him powerless.

I would bet that not many pray like that — YET!

I believe we are all “working out” in the gym of the Spirit right now – getting our hearts larger and stronger for more endurance.

Romans 12:3 – God has given each of us a “measure of faith.”

Hebrews 11:1 – ”Faith is a substance…” of spiritual composition – but still a substance.

This substance has power and will be effective in whatever we apply.

Eventually, if we “stay with it,” enough power will be released to get the job done.

Remember – 1 Corinthians 3:16 – We are the temple – the NAOS of God.  The “Holy of Holies” – The dwelling place of His Spirit.

John 7:38 – Out of the “Kolia” – the womb of our inner being will flow fountains of “Living Water.”

John 4:1-42 – Jesus tells the Samaritan woman at the well that He is the “living water” – the “Water” that gives and sustains life.

Christ, Himself, flows out of our inner being to give life to all He touches.

God has put “Living Water” power in us so that our prayers become more than just devices to get the Father to do something for us.

Our prayers are releasing the power of the “Living Water” over a given situation to accomplish His will and purpose.

Psalm 115:16(TPT) – “The heavens belong to our God; they are His alone, but He has given us the earth and put us in charge.”

Revelation 22:1-2 – John sees a Throne and, from beneath it, a River flowing.

Our faith-filled prayers open the floodgates allowing the River to flow.

Faith-filled prayers – speak not of what we muster up in our souls – but the increasing faith and trust we’re developing in the faithfulness of God.

This is the River of God, so it requires the pray-er to be in sync with the heart of God in order to be able to turn the water on and release its power.

In Sync – It is knowing, understanding, and applying the principles and ways of God.

I believe this is the place in God we are at right now – We are LEARNING.

If we remain persistent, the layers of understanding and faith will build upon themselves and allow the “River” to go from a trickle to a roar.

Ezekiel 47:1-12 – Gives a perfect example of what I’m saying:

  1. Ezekiel is shown the Temple with water flowing
  2. An angel measures 1000 cubits – water is ankle deep
  3. Measures again – water is now at the knees
  4. Again – At the waist
  5. Again – Start swimming, dude!

You could surmise that each measurement delineates an increase in faith.

Personal testimony – bladder cancer – originally quarter-sized – Pastor Marie prayed – God said I’d have to walk through it.  It was reduced to dime-sized at the time of the procedure.

Pastor Marie released spiritual power from her inner being that accomplished something physical in me.

Ephilippeans 3:20-21(NKJ) – “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think – according to the power that works IN US – To Him be the glory, in the church, by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever, amen.”

Exceedingly abundant – (Greek) – Huper Perissos – Super-abundant with even more added!

Romans 5:20 – the same word used for the supply of Grace God released to cover our sins.  As sin increases, GRACE abounds even more!


  1. God will do “superabundantly” in relation to the measure of faith-power that’s currently working in us.
  2. His GLORY is shown in the Church – the called ones who’ve responded to it.
  3. The incarnate God’s work didn’t cease operations when Jesus ascended to heaven  – it’s to “ALL generations.”

OK – so I think we’ve established that there is power available to us.

Matthew 7:7 – Jesus says that the power is accessible simply by Seeking – Asking – Knocking.  “Everyone who asks – receives; Seeks – finds; Knocks – doors open; no question about it.

So, if that is true – why doesn’t it always work?

Many times we ask – and nothing seems to happen; We seek – but still remain lost; We knock – but the door remains firmly shut.  WHY?

One thing for certain – the power source is not the problem.

Ephesians 3:20“…according to the power that works in us….”

Wuest Translation – “…in the measure of power which is OPERATIVE in us….”

So, it is not the LATENT power – it is the OPERATIVE power.

This power is not just the POTENTIAL power, but the power that is USED.

Measure – (Kata) – Connotes not just the AMOUNT of power but also the DISTRIBUTION of that power.

The scripture actually says – “God will do superabundant stuff tied to the measure of faith possessed by us, in the measure we are able and willing to distribute it.”
PR Translation

Why does He do it this way?  Why doesn’t He just answer our prayers when we pray them?

CS Lewis – “We will spend eternity thanking God for the prayers He didn’t answer.”

Proverbs 14:12 – “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.

I  think there is wisdom in considering that God answers the intention of our prayers – but does it in another way.  BUT…

I believe there’s something a bit deeper and more profound to consider.

Unlike any other religion, Christianity’s truth is centered on what is called The Incarnation – where God takes on human flesh and deals with us in a visible and tangible way.

As humans, we are present in the world through our five senses.

Jesus could be seen, touched, and heard.

1 Corinthians 12:27We are “the Body of Christ.” – The Incarnate Christ is still ongoing.

The Body of Christ is not a metaphor or an exaggeration – not a representation or a mystical body.

Scripture simply states, “We are Christ’s body.” – In an organic way.

The Word, who became flesh, continues to dwell among us.

We have been taught to pray “In Jesus’ name” or THROUGH Jesus’ name.

This is more than a formality.  When we pray “Through Christ,” we are also praying through the Body of Christ – which we are as believers.

So, in reality, not only is God in heaven being asked to act – we are also charging ourselves to act.

To pray as a Christian demands a concrete involvement in trying to bring about what is being asked.

Example: If my mother is sick and I pray for healing but don’t drive her to the Dr. – I have prayed only as a theist but not as a Christian.

I have not put any “incarnational skin” to my prayer.

Our prayers need flesh to back them up because God won’t be texting people from heaven anytime soon – It’s my voice and my heart that needs to be heard.

If we are serious about being more effective in prayer, we need to ask ourselves some questions:

  1. Am I acting in a manner that faithfully distributes the measure of power given to me?
  2. Is the RIVER flowing from my inner being?  What may be blocking it?

I must be intentional in prayer – casual, sporadic prayers won’t accomplish the miraculous.

James 5:16(Wuest) – “A prayer of a righteous person is able to do much as it OPERATES.

It doesn’t say, “It causes GOD to operate.”  “IT” itself – operates.

How?  The same power that went into the depths of the earth and took back the Keys of Life from the kingdom of darkness – IS IN US!

It is our responsibility to RELEASE IT.


“Father, please lift the veil from our eyes today regarding The RIVER of Life.  Remind us to come boldly to your throne, where we will find the mercy and the grace we need in this time of awakening and be able to let the River flow out to the world.

In Jesus’ name.

Pray Without Ceasing (5-Feb-23)

by Pastor Roy Esposito


I have been thinking a lot about the condition of my faith and the effectiveness of my prayers.  I have asked the Holy Spirit to help me in this area of service. 

I felt the Lord say that prayers of “Valor” were the ones that hold the power to do great exploits in His name and that I should pursue them. 

I considered David’s army and the elite force that was within it called the “Mighty Men of Valor.”

Valor [Desfinition]: having the strength of mind and Spirit to encounter danger with firmness and commitment to purpose.

Valor is the absence of indecision – even in the face of death.

David’s elite force had several things in common that identified them as the Mighty Men of Valor

  1. They had a common purpose – to serve the king.
  2. They could not be shaken from that purpose regardless of the humbleness of the task asked of them or the impossible odds against them.
  3. They did whatever they needed to do no matter how long it took and never wavered while the challenge was still before them.

2 Samuel 23:8-12 – gives some examples of their exploits.

Shammah took on the humble assignment to defend a lentil patch and tenaciously defeated an overwhelming contingent of Philistines in the process.

Adino, who fought and killed 800 Philistines in battle single-handedly.

Eleazar, whose hand became frozen to his sword b/c the battle endured for so long.

These men – and others – possessed a Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) called “long-suffering.” – which doesn’t mean “suffering for a long time.”

Mak-roth-u-mia – Fortitude – the ability to “hang with it.”

I felt there was an instruction here for today’s church and for me.

We also have the purpose to serve the King and the King’s people.

One of the most effective ways to serve God is through prayer.

Luke 18:1 – Jesus said that men “always ought to pray and not lose heart.”

James 5:16 – “…the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availed much.”

Ferventpassionate intensity

Today, it seems that even when we remember to pray, our prayers seem to lack the passionate intensity and “stick-to-it-ness” – the VALOR that’s necessary for total victory.

We live in an INSTANT society where everything must be quick, or we lose interest.

It’s like everyone is suffering from “Mass Attention Deficit Disorder.”

We seem to specialize in the gift (?) of “cutting corners” to get results.

It seems that our collective societal consciousness lacks the ability to “hang in there,” –  which is the spiritual fruit called “long-suffering.”

I’ve read about the African Cheetah. It can run up to 70 MPH to catch its prey but has a small heart and, therefore, has no endurance.

It must accomplish its purpose quickly, or it goes hungry.

Many times, we have used the “Cheetah Approach to prayer:

  1. Speed through the prayer with little or no fervency and no passion.
  2. Quick to have someone else pray.
  3. Lose focus easily.

We seem to lack the “heart of endurance” for a sustained effort in prayer and falter before accomplishing what is needed.

Sometimes we use the “TNT Approach” – and try to Blow-Up the problem.

We pray harder, faster, and louder when what is really needed is more staying power and fervency.

More staying power or stamina can only come through possessing a “Bigger Heart” for prayer. (Jesus, enlarge my heart to pray as you did!)

George Muller – “The point is to never give up until the answer comes. I have been praying for 63 years and 8 months for one man’s conversion. He is not saved yet, but he will be. How can it be otherwise — I’m praying.”

His friend received Jesus just before his funeral!

Jesus’ prayer ministry is exemplified in the 3 hours He spent in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, which gave Him the strength to face the Cross.

Hebrews 5;7 – “…He offered up prayers and supplications with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death…”

1 Thessalonians 5:7 – “Pray without ceasing….” – so “easy does it” won’t do.

I think the reason we haven’t reached our spiritual potential is not for the lack of information regarding prayer nor the lack of opportunities and resources  – 

But for a lack of  “fortitude” – a failure of heart and spirit.

We go into defeat much too easily. We give up to easily and instead listen to the voices of doubt and unbelief and get discouraged and depressed when we don’t get INSTANT RESULTS.

OK – no condemnation implied here!

I spoke to a friend of nearly 50 yrs. this week.

We recounted our testimonies with each other. Remember the miracles God has personally done to deliver us from destruction. We remembered the before!

A fair question – Why does God require our persistence in prayer?

Is it that:

  1. He requires a predetermined amount of prayer to answer.
    Are Redemption points involved?   S & H green stamps?
  2. We must talk Him into things as lawyers present legal arguments to a judge.
  3. Is God waiting for us to just say the right words before He decides to answer us?
  4. Do we earn rewards of His favor through hard work?

Say it with me:    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Luke 11:8 – What about the guy who goes to his friend’s house late at night for bread and just keeps bugging him until he gets up and gives in? Doesn’t this parable teach us about persistence? Just keep bugging Him until He relents.

No! We don’t persist against God.

To persist is to ask boldly and shamelessly because of our intimacy with God.

1 Timothy 1:7(NIV) – ”For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline.”

Hebrews 4:16 – We can come before the throne of grace BOLDLY and without a sense of shame or unworthiness because we are sons and daughters of God and are “accepted in the Beloved.” (Ephesians 1:6)

There’s a key to understanding the prayer of persistence:

Luke 11:13 – “If you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him.”

The Prayer of Persistence is not about nagging the Father for specific things – but asking for the Holy Spirit’s help in our times of need. And to ASK BOLDLY out of an intimate relationship with God.

Sometimes, it’s true that God uses the waiting period to teach us things.

But if that were the only reason, why not just pray ONCE and then wait?

One reason for the delay in getting prayers answered is “divine timing.”

Galatians 6:9 – “And let us grow weary in doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”

But again – wouldn’t praying just once and then waiting suffice?

Why did  Elijah have to pray 7X for the rain to come down?
(1 Kings 18:41-19:8)

Why did Daniel have to pray for 21 days before the angel broke through with his answer? (Daniel 10:10-19)

Consider this: I believe that our prayers do more than motivate the Father’s heart.  I believe that prayers of faith have “Substance.”

Hebrews 11:1 – “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

I believe that when we pray, the “substance of faith” is released…

With each prayer, more of that substance is released in the form of the power needed for that which we are praying to come to pass.

Power Released by:

  1. Praying in the Holy Spirit
  2. Speaking the Word of God as a declaration and proclamation of the TRUTH
  3. Prophetic Command – Matt 17:20 -” Say to this mountain….”
  4. Laying on of hands  – Mark 16:18 “…they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

We also need to ask the Holy Spirit to help us visualize the “Throne of Grace” differently so it’s not seen as outside and apart from us.

God has made His throne in our HEARTS – we are the temple of the Holy Spirit

We are the NAOS of God – The “Holy of Holies” – The “Sacred Place.”

1 Corinthians 3:16 – “Do you not know that you are the Holy of Holies of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?

John 7:38 – “He who believes in Me, as the scripture says, ‘ From his innermost being (Koi -lia) shall flow rivers of living water.”

Koilia – the womb – speaks of reproduction and “birthing new life.”

Revelation 22:1-2 “The River of Life” – the Spirit of God – flowing from the Throne of God – through Jesus, to us and out into the world.

This is the purpose of the Church.

The Gospel’s promise of new life doesn’t echo from “out there” but through those willing to live it in valor and persist until His will is done on earth as it is in heaven.

The Same Holy Spirit (Sunday, January 15, 2023)

The Same Holy Spirit

by Marie Esposito

Share about the door –

What is the function of the Holy Spirit in our lives? 

When we are converted, the Holy Spirit gives us a new birth, and He comes to live inside us. We become a member of the body of Christ, and He seals us as a possession of Christ. 

He is the Spirit of Life, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Adoption, the Spirit of Holiness, the Spirit of Grace, the Spirit of Supplication, and the Spirit of Glory. As the Holy Spirit moves and functions in all these offices, the primary purpose is to redeem us to become the Bride of Christ. HIS BELOVED.

I Corinthians 12-13 – The same Spirit distributes, activates, and operates wide different varieties of gifts, ministries, miracles, and revelation as He chooses. These gifts are imparted by God, and they confirm His word and expand the kingdom of God. They are the divine power source. The Holy Spirit is the DIVINE POWER SOURCE.

“By One Spirit we all were immersed and mingled into one body…We are all privileged to drink deeply of the same Holy Spirit.” I Corinthians 12:13  means that we can drink of the Living Waters until it fills us up and then flows out from the inside of us and empowers us to live an endless life.

The Holy Spirit is the unifying and empowering Force in the body of Christ.

Romans 8:2 “For the “law” of the Spirit of life flowing through the anointing of Jesus has liberated us  from the “law” of sin and death… but if the Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He that raised Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwells in you.”

The Holy Spirit frees us and makes us more active, accelerates our energy in Him, and lifts us up. 

The Holy Spirit is The Blessed Comforter.
He has come to:

  1. Bring comfort
  2. Teach
  3. Bring light
  4. To bring purity
  5. To bring power.

Romans 8:14-17 TPT – “The mature children of God are those who are moved by the impulses of the Holy Spirit…[ He directs our lives ] and are delivered from the spirit of bondage again to fear…For the Holy Spirit makes God’s fatherhood real to us as he whispers into our innermost being, “You are God’s beloved child!”… And since we are his true children, we qualify to share all his treasures, for indeed, we are heirs of God himself. 

The Holy Spirit reveals our adoption into God’s family, sharing about our inheritance. He also helps us to get free from our old natures.         

Romans 8:13 “For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if BY THE SPIRIT you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.  

This is a prophetic word spoken by the prophet Isaiah about Jesus and the Holy Spirit and what we have access to as believers.

Isaiah 11: 2,  “The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him – [the spirit of prophecy] the Spirit of wisdom [equipping ability]  and of understanding, [intelligent insight] the Spirit of counsel [guidance, leadership] and might [warrior, conqueror], the Spirit of the revelation [ insight gained only by experiencing intimacy with God], and the Spirit of the fear of the Lord [absolute loyalty to God].”  All of these attributes and qualities are ours.

The revelation of Jesus Christ by the Spirit of the Lord is something that is unveiled within us, not just to us. It is an inward journey. CHRIST IN US IS OUR HOPE OF GLORY, the hope that moves us into fullness, expectancy, and maturity. Christ continues to express Himself to us, and through us, by the power of the Holy Spirit. The revelation of God is the true treasure. The Holy Spirit is the One Who gives us this revelation.

I Corinthians 12:31 – speaks of a path corresponding to transcendence or a more excellent way, which is Love. It’s the path led by this Same Spirit.

It is the Spirit of God that fills us with His Love and all the aspects of His Grace… the more excellent Way, and directs our steps and our way as we journey on the path of Life into Love.

I Corinthian 13:7-8 Love is a safe place of shelter, for it never stops believing the best for others. Love never takes failure as defeat, for it never gives up. Love never stops loving.

So above all else, let love be the beautiful prize for which you run.

Love in Aramaic – set on fire. 

Love in Greek – intense affection which must be demonstrated. The loyal, endless, unconditional commitment of love. 

Love transforms the spirit in us through The Holy Spirit. 

So, what is the function of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and Who is HE?

He is the Spirit of Life, Truth, Adoption, Holiness, Grace, Supplication, and  Glory. As the Holy Spirit moves and functions in all these offices in our lives, the primary purpose is to redeem us to become the Bride of Christ. HIS BELOVED.

It’s how we live and move and have our being in Him – through the Holy Spirit.

Note to our followers:

My apologies to all our readers. I had a few health and technical issues. I believe I am past these and am back updating our Blog.

We are back and will be filling in the past messages!

Choosing to Live Above “Normal” – 8-Jan-2023

Choosing to Live Above “Normal”

by Pastor Roy Esposito

  • “Normal” – enslaves us to the effects of sin: fear, anxiety, illness, etc.
  • ” Above Normal” – means being led by the Holy Spirit  (Romans 8:14-15
  • The HOLY SPIRIT frees us from the slavery of sin and its effects and restores us to the freedom of a genuine relationship with God through Christ.
  • To live above Normal begins with a passionate and committed desire.
  • But it’s in no way automatic.  We must choose to do so every day.
  • Galatians 6:16 (NLT) “And the Spirit gives us desires that are opposite from what the sinful nature desires. The two forces constantly fight each other, and your CHOICES are never free from conflict.
  • When we give ourselves totally to the Spirit, He will help us change the way we think. (Romans 12:1-2)
  • A change in thinking is necessary to avoid making room for sin to influence us. (Rationalizations, deflections, and excuses – “I’m only human, after all!” )
  • I have to choose to walk in the Spirit in order to experience God’s goodness.
  • Without experiencing His goodness, I will never find peace. And without peace, I will never come to fully trust God – the key in overcoming faith.
  • Ephesians 6:15“Gospel shoes of Peace” –  My feet connect me to the earth.
  • Shoes – speak of having firm footing, firm direction, and foundational surety that God’s peace brings.
  • “His Peace”(Greek) – Eirene – To set at One again; to make Whole – which brings a sense of well-being to our hearts, mind, and bodies.
  • (Hebrew) Shalom – Completeness, wellness, health, welfare, soundness, prosperity, rest, harmony, and the absence of agitation and discord.
  • These describe some of the benefits of an “Above Normal” life.
  • Romans 7:14-25 – Paul explains that it’s our normal sinful nature that makes us slaves to sin – even when we know what not to do and not wanting to do it, we do it anyway.
  • We’ve somehow believed that evil is some kind of invisible, cosmic force that’s irresistible and overpowering and just grabs us and takes us away.
  • The truth is: There is nothing outside of me that has the power to make me do wrong except that which I have given power by what I have permitted to be in me. – PR
  • Evil is NOT cosmic, nor is it invincible. It doesn’t have to overpower us.
  • Why? Because as Christians, we are “Dead to it and alive to God.” (Romans 6:11) if we “reckon” ourselves that way.“ (Where thinking differently comes in!)
  • We can set ourselves free from sin’s power by choosing not to let ourselves become infected, looking to Jesus and the goodness of God instead of the temptation.
  • We can do this because when we received Christ as Lord, He breathed into us the Holy Spirit, making us eligible to live in the realities of the Kingdom of God here on earth.
  • Actually, the patterns of wrongdoing that govern human behavior are generally weak because they only exist as illusions or “shadows” which contain no real substance.
  • They are, for the most part, just habits or automatic responses we’ve formed over time.
  • When we act out of them, it’s generally without any prior reflection, which gives them their power.
  • Habits – don’t run through our conscious minds or our deliberate will – and are often contrary to them.
  • Rarely is our wrongdoing the result of careful deliberation.
  • Our routine automatic behavior patterns manage to keep our deliberate will and conscious minds off balance by filling us with delusions, distractions, lies, “what if” scenarios, and general poppycock…
  • This leaves us on the defensive, having negative thinking, which then expands into denial, rationalization, and misappropriated actions  – leading further and further away from the truth and making more space for evil to prosper.
  • The HOLY SPIRIT will help us replace old habits and automatic responses with new ones that reflect Kingdom principles and sustain them with Kingdom power.
    Here are some suggestions that may help:
    1. Ask – the HOLY SPIRIT to reveal bad habits and responses. 
    2. Acknowledge them:  Matthew 5:25 – “Agree with your adversary quickly….’

      You will never be able to deal with evil effectively as long as you view it as external to yourself. – PR
  • “The devil didn’t make you do it!”  The devil may have dangled some temptation before you, but you can say NOOOOO!!!  It’s your CHOICE.
  • When we don’t choose rightly, a place is formed inside us where sin can take root and manifest itself if it’s not repented of.
  • A Recap: 
    1. NOTHING has the power to tempt me or force me to do wrong except that which I have given the power to by permitting it to remain in me.
      • Romans 8:31-39         
    2. The most dangerous things are the LITTLE habits, thoughts, feelings, or actions we let slide because they’re “Normal.”
      (Song of Solomon 2:15… ”the little foxes”)
    3. Death to Self – is acknowledging we can live “above normal” because we are Sons and daughters of the Living God, heirs to His Kingdom, created in His image. – It’s the CROSS applied in our daily lives.
  • 2 Corinthians 10:5 – Tells us to “take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.”  – Have you ever tried to do this? It’s impossible to do in your natural self.
  • I believe God has given me a strategy to help me do this:
  • I start my day with, “Lord, I submit my thoughts this day to You. Holy Spirit, please help me.
  • I place Jesus’ blood over my mind, body, spirit, and emotions, and it becomes my “robe of righteousness and my helmet of salvation.”
  • I believe every modern-day disciple of Christ should do this every day in order to break sin’s grip.
  • The good news is – the power of sin is broken 
  • God will help us through it, but – He won’t do it for us.
  • It is we who must decide to pursue holiness passionately and intentionally.
  • As always  – INTENT points the way.
  • Even when we fail – I believe that God is more concerned with the intent of our hearts.  
  • Jeremiah 17:10 – “The Lord searches the heart, and tests the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”
  • If our hearts are committed to transformation, the Lord will redirect our habits and responses to support our new intention.
  • When automatic responses go into action, it’s because something triggers it; a button gets pressed.
  • Genesis 50:20 – What our enemy does for evil, God has meant for our good.

Let’s ask the Lord to use the “buttons” the enemy has meant for evil to trigger Godly responses in us instead.

  • He will trigger responses that are GRACE-FILLED, and Holy Spirit empowered so that we can live “Above Normal” lives while here on the earth.
  • Living “above normal” begins with BELIEVING we can – and then choosing to do so.

2023 — RCF’s 27th Year

#7 – Spiritual perfection; The conclusion of a matter; Speaks of maturation.

I believe that 2023 will be a year that many of the things we’ve made spiritual inroads into will become clearer and more accessible. We will come to see the fruitfulness and fullness of things we’ve believed by faith.

#9 –    RCF 27th year 

9  –  Is the number of the Holy Spirit. It speaks of completeness and fruitfulness. I believe that we will see many of our prayers answered this year in very unique ways. Some will be astonishing in their impact, and some will be just the beginning of some things that God has not yet revealed. 

All in all, a good year full of Godly surprises!

A Second Summoning: Gratitude – 27-Nov-2022

I came across a quote by Michael J. Fox this week that seemed appropriate given the Thanksgiving holiday: 

                  “With Gratitude, Optimism is Sustainable.”

I also came across another gem of wisdom this week:

               “Grace begets gratitude, which, in turn, widens our hearts toward greater goodness and love.” – Diana Butler Bass

Grace is at the core and is the key to a victorious life.

We are saved by Grace – and our lives are sustained through it.

We need moves of grace every day because although Jesus won the victory over the “old humanity,” 

      …we still have to ”work out our salvation in awe of God, our souls trembling in His presence.”  (Philippians 2:12). 

We must “stay awake” — (1 Peter 1:5) and  “keep our oil lamps full,” and remain watchful (Matthew 25:1-13)

We also have to be intentional about maintaining a grateful perspective because it’s easy to fall into complacency and forget that grace is a gift not to be taken for granted. 

Grace and Gratefulness help us to keep from becoming complacent as we are reminded that there still is an enemy to contend with,  an enemy that has weapons to hurt us.

Some are overt and violent – but some are more subtle and can go unnoticed.  

We must pay attention in order to get beyond responding to the “ fires’ the enemy sets as traps for us and refuse to let them become the things that construct our perspectives and drive our actions.

As we stay tuned in and God-focused, we’ll begin to realize that every morning we wake up is a privilege that offers us a chance for a fresh start and an opportunity to begin again. –  to be optimistic about our future  –  and to enjoy our life in the midst of the journey.

As a bonus, as we stay alert and focused, we’ll discern that some circumstances we find ourselves in are not always the enemies doing.

Some are actually the results of our thoughts and actions.

A grateful approach to life allows the truth to be known without guilt or self-loathing, judgment, or condemnation  – and repent if necessary.

Sometimes, God will allow certain circumstances to exist to help mature our Faith.

If faith is to mature, situations need to exist where faith alone can sustain us.

So, for that reason, God will allow times when we must trust in His integrity regardless of how dire things may seem to be.

Negative times – allow faith to arise >> which then appropriates the courage it takes to lock into God’s faithfulness.

Spiritual Maturity requires letting faith arise in the context of resistance.

It takes courage to do this. 

It makes sense, then, that one of our enemy’s prime objectives is to DIS-courage us.

If we’re not watchful, our courage will wane and cause unbelief and stagnancy in our spiritual growth.

Faith – is the catalyst that releases Grace.

Grace – is the supernatural power to gain the higher ground over the enemy and thus secure for ourselves our destiny as sons and daughters of God.

Gratitude is a declaration of our trust in God’s plans and ways for our lives. (Jeremiah 29:11)

When we engage with the world from a place of gratitude, we’re open to receiving the day excited with anticipation of the next part of God’s plan for us.

This approach to life is the difference between carrying the burden of trying to make something happen and allowing something to happen.

It’s the defining difference between effort and effortlessness.

Most spiritual disciplines through the ages have considered gratefulness to be the foundation of joy, contentment, and well-being in a person’s life.  Why? 

  1. A person cannot exist in a place of FEAR and TRUE GRATITUDE at the same time.
  2. Gratitude tunes us into the voice of the Holy Spirit, who is our connection with the Father.

Gratitude and Generosity are similar virtues but differ in that:

Gratitude is an internal characteristic, and generosity is an external expression of our sense of gratitude.

Gratitude is the way we FEEL   —   Generosity is how we Express that Feeling to the world.

2 Corinthians 10:5-6 – Speaks of taking all thoughts captive, so they come in line with Christ’s thoughts. 

I like to think of random thoughts” as Stagnant Energy. 

These negative thoughts render spiritual impotence and act as smoke screens of confusion in our minds that cause us to feel stuck in life.

Christ’s thoughts bring peace and hope and give life.  

The simple act of practicing gratitude disrupts negative thoughts and changes our mindset to see the world in a positive way.

Not only are we more attractive to others when we live in gratitude, but the most ordinary things can become extraordinary, creating a fuller, more beautiful expression of our life.

You probably have heard the saying, “Things don’t happen TO us; they happen FOR us.”

Gratitude will help us to see and believe that “All things DO work for the good for us because we love God, and are called according to His purpose and plan”  ( Rom 8:28)

Our mind’s new perspective is that the universe is aligning and working everything in our favor.

Old Mindset – Something “bad” happens to us; we let it affect us in a negative way.  We feel rejected, picked on, and defensive.  – Or worse!

New Mindset of Gratitude  – When something happens that others see as “bad,” we search for the grace which will allow us to become curious and interested in finding the positive thing God will bring out of the experience. 

It’s a much more exciting and hopeful way to live, right?

Johoshaphat: Our Eyes Are on You – 19-Jun-2022

by Pastor Marie Esposito

He was a worshiper of God.

He loved and obeyed God. 

He was the King of Judah, following his father, Asa.

A bold and faithful follower of Yahweh, Jehoshaphat consulted God’s prophets before making decisions and credited God for every victory. 

A victorious military leader, He was honored and made wealthy from tribute. 

He learned that consistent dependence on God is the only way to succeed. 

He was a humble man of faith.

   Jehoshaphat took office, about 873 BC. What did he do as a leader?

  • abolished the idol worship that had consumed the land.  
  • drove out the male cult prostitutes  
  • destroyed the Asherah poles where the people had worshiped false gods. 
  • solidified devotion to God
  • sent prophets, priests, and Levites throughout the country to teach people God’s laws. 
  • He appointed judges throughout Judah to deal fairly with the people’s disputes, admonishing them to fear the Lord bringing further stability to his kingdom. 

            God looked with favor on Jehoshaphat, strengthening his kingdom and making him wealthy. The people of Judah and Jerusalem enjoyed a great measure of prosperity and God’s blessings under Jehoshaphat. Neighboring kings paid tribute to him because they feared his power.

3 enemy territories decided to band together to attack this kingdom. When Jehoshaphat learned that a great army had come against him (2 Chronicles 20:1-2), he immediately realized three things. 

  1. His vast army was not a match for the joint forces of the invaders.
  2. The joint forces of the invaders were no match for God Almighty.
  3. God Almighty was his ally and would surely come to his rescue. 

Jehoshaphat’s immediate response was to call a nationwide prayer and fast and he cried out to God for help. (2 Chronicles 20:3-11). The people gathered in the temple and sought God.


Prayer was his first strategy.

I love how Jehoshaphat proclaims his faith from the very beginning. 

“O Lord God of our fathers, are You not God in heaven, and do You not rule over all the kingdoms of the nations, and in Your hand is there not power and might, so that no one is able to withstand You?” (verse 6)

“O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but OUR EYES ARE UPON YOU.” (verse 12) 

Jehoshaphat’s pattern and directive: He:

  • Acknowledged who God is
  • Acknowledged His authority
  • Acknowledged His power and might
  • Acknowledged His supremacy over all
  • Reminds God that He gave them the land. [to Abraham]
  • Acknowledged what God had done and His faithfulness.

He stood in the temple, in God’s Presence, and cried out in his affliction and declared that God will hear and save.

He trusted God and WORSHIPED HIM.

God answers the prayer of His people through the voice of a prophet: “Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s. You will not need to fight in this battle. 


God said: “Position yourselves, stand still, and see!”

Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the Lord is with you.” (verses 15 and 17) 

3 things happened when Jehoshaphat prayed.

  1. God gave him assurance (2 Chronicles 20:14-15).
  2. In keeping with Jeremiah 33:3, he revealed valuable intelligence about the enemy’s movements (2 Chronicles 20:16).
  3. Finally, God gave Jehoshaphat the battle plan and the outcome of the battle (2 Chronicles 20:17).

Jehoshaphat and all the people bow themselves to the ground and WORSHIP.

“So they rose early in the morning and went out into the Wilderness of Tekoa; and as they went out, 

Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Hear me, O Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem: Believe [same word in hebrew as in Abraham believing God’s promise and obeying him] in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper.  

And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed those who should sing to the Lord, and who should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army and were saying


And you know what happens? CONFUSION.   CHAOS.

The different enemy armies began to fight one another rather than making a unified force against Judah! They fought and killed one another! The only action on the side of Judah was PRAISING AND WORSHIPING God! Their eyes were on Him.

When his people came upon their enemies they were all dead. It took them three days to gather all the jewels and spoils of war.

They went home to Jerusalem and began PRAISING AND  WORSHIPING GOD!

Our directive in all things: 

Worship before, worship during, worship afterwards!



The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation

Ephesians 1;17-20(TPT, NKJ) – “I pray that the Father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would impart to you the riches of the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation….”

Acts 1:4-8 – Wait to receive.

To KNOW: – to see – perceive – to be conscious of

To have Knowledge of: – a recognition by Full Disclosure

To “Know” – (GRK) – “To gaze at something remarkable,” especially that of supernatural origin.

Paul prayed for the church to gain the ability to “gaze at the supernatural dimensions of God” with full discernment and discover for ourselves:

  1. Hope for our lives – present and future.
  2. Our inheritance as children of God.
  3. The exceedingly great power of God that raised Christ from the dead.

Given to those who:

  1. Hear the call.
  2. Obey the call.
  3. Wait for its fulfillment.

John 1 – Holy Spirit hovered the earth, imprinting God’s order over the chaos, and the natural laws of gravity, physics, chemistry, and energy came into being.

This energy caused the land, seas, animals, plants, and people to be formed, each creation in the place it belonged. There was PEACE, BALANCE, and Harmony on earth.

God gave man dominion over the earth. Sin entered as man imposed his will over the creation.

God’s remedy for restoration: HIMSELF in the form of man – JESUS.

The Holy Spirit sent once again to hover but not to form mater out of chaos but to imprint the potential for ORDER directly onto the souls of man through Jesus Christ.

Romans 8:14 – The Spirit leads mature children.

John 3:5-6 – Baptized in Water and Spirit to enter the supernatural realm of God – HEAVEN.

1 Corinthians 2:9-10“We ain’t seen nuttin’ yet.” – PR

Spirit of Revelation – Gives the ability to See, Hear, and Discover the Unseen Realm.

Spirit of Wisdom – Gives us the insight so we’ll KNOW what to do with what we’ve seen.

Proverbs 4:5-13 – Revelatory Wisdom is the principal thing, so SEEK it!

Proverb 8:26 – “I love those who love Me and those that seek me DILIGENTLY will find Me.”

Romans 8:26 – How to seek if you’re unsure. – PR

The Spirit of Revelation – releases SPECIFIC Knowledge to address specific issues at critical moments.

The Spirit of Wisdom – Guides us in the application of that knowledge.

Proverbs 29:18(NKJ) – “Where there is no revelation the people cast off restraint.”

“Casting off restraint”Casting off balance and perfect order; reverting to chaos.

Proverbs 29:18(P.R.T) “Without an intimate knowledge of God gained through experiencing His presence; the people will cast off order, balance, and harmony and devolve back into chaos.”

Pentecost: The Power of God’s Love – 5-Jun-22


Pentecost — ”Wisdom Sunday”

Power (Greek) – Dunamis – Energy of great force; an EXPLOSION of power

Power to BECOME witnesses of Jesus. -When people see them – they’ll see Him.

Acts 1:4-5,8(TPT) – “Stay and wait” for the promise of the Father.

Promise – an announcement of WHAT the promise is and the assurance that what was promised will be done.

Matthew 3:11 – Baptism of Water and of Fire

Fire – Purification

Acts 2:1-4(TPT) “Sound AS a rushing wind…” – speaks of Jesus’ breath into His disciples.

“Pillar of Fire” – Represents the Presence of God and an imbuement of power.

“Tongues of Fire” – “It was as though each one received an overpowering personal flame of fire that would empower him and lead him through his life.”
– Brian Simmons

An Incomprehensible CALL and a PROMISE that the Call can be fulfilled through the imbuement of power through the Holy Spirit

“Stay and Wait” – Step away from our natural rhythm to synchronize with the Spirit’s rhythm.

Human Rationality – Left/Right sides of the human brain

Left  = Analytical

Right = Creative – Hears His voice

The church must set aside Rationalism to enable the Creative Flow to anoint our thought process and allow the INFINITE GOD to influence the FINITE.

1 Corinthians 1:27(NKJ) – God has chosen the foolish (less rational) to shame the wise.

1 Corinthians 1:25(Message) – Men’s wisdom can’t measure up to God’s weaknesses

God said, “I AM,” not “I Do.” 

What IS God? – 1 John 4:8 – ”God IS love.” – “God IS consistent.”

“God’s love remains unconditional, unlimited, and incredibly extravagant; it never relies on human faithfulness or unfaithfulness.” –PR

“The Baptism of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost is the inextinguishable FIRE that sets God’s love ablaze and is the only hope of our calling’s fulfillment.” –PR

LOVE is our Calling – LOVE is our true identity.

We were created from Love – of Love – and for Love

“Until the church awakens and embraces this truth, it will remain in the elementary grades of Christion Spiritual Transformation.” –PR

Romans 8:36-39(TPT) – NOTHING can separate us from His love and its power once we accept this as the truth.