My Triumph is His Delight – By Pastor Marie Esposito

Each one of us was born to triumph in Christ
How you ‘See’ will create your reality
Grasshoppers or giants?
Lion of Judah or the toothless roaring of a dead lion without teeth or power?
2 Corinthians 2:14 – Now thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us [leads us] to triumph in Christ…
Psalm 106:47
Intimacy with the Living Christ, the Living Word of God in the secret place where we meet Him, worship Him, and learn about Him, establishes that reality and builds in us a concrete foundation of Truth with Jesus as the Capstone of the Arch and the Head of the Corner.
Psalm 118:22
Psalm 118
Psalm 118:12-13
Psalm 118:15
What Jesus accomplished on the Cross:
Colossians 2:14, 15
Jesus said to me: I came with the purpose to defeat all of your foes.
Your triumph is My delight 
I John 3:7-9
Colossians 2:3
Colossians 2:19
Hebrews 4:16
Genesis 1:26
I Corinthians 15:49
Romans 8:29
We are to grow in the image of God.
“As we are conformed to the image of Christ, He is made more and more the center of things” –  Piper
Galations 4:19
His desire is to conform us into His Image through: the Scriptures, awakenings, encounters, the process of sanctification, the impartation of the reality of Jesus’ Presence, the truths of Holy Spirit as He teaches us through experience, and the pouring of Himself into us through supernatural love and wisdom which encompasses the mind of Christ. Through His very Living Presence and Essence in our lives as He causes us to triumph in praise and worship.
Two ways that Holy Spirit builds our images to look like God through Christ:
1. Process
       2. Impartation
Process comes through life experiences and leads to divine acceleration through relational learning- Holy Spirit is the Tutor. In the process the Word becomes truth which leads to encounters.
Divine ACCELERATION comes to a heart that is open to God’s processes.
Hebrews 4:12
Isaiah 55
Pay attention to His Word and believe His prophetic promises. Learn His thoughts, His ways, set your affections on Him. Walk in the destiny He has carved out for you and stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. Believe.
FIX YOUR ATTENTION ON HIS WORD AND HIS WAYS. He is limitless. Allow Him to conform you into His image.