Shaking Free

Shaking Free

“Break through the FOG, into the FLOW, and Shake Free of the world!”

2Cor 10:4-5 (NKJV) — Cleanse thought channels

“Cast down arguments”  — B.Simmons — Citadels of argumentations

Citadel — A fortress that commands a city, used to CONTROL its inhabitants

Argumentations — Are not discussions of differences but are control devices spoken in arrogance. They are rebellious ideas and attributes that are subsequently reflected in rebellious and dishonorable behavior.

” High Things“ –  a PRIDEFUL attitude. It is a barrier to receiving the TRUE knowledge of God.

— Take prisoner every disobedient thought, scheme, or pattern of thought to stand before Christ’s reconciliation and cleansing

Renew your minds  — Rom 12:2(TPT) “Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you ….”

Rom 12:1 — Surrender to God is an act of WORSHIP

Col 3:2 (TPT)  — “Fix on the things that are from above…”

Col 1:19-21Embrace the Cross  – brings all things back to their original intent

Col 3:3-4 (TPT)  — The Cross severed the tie to this life and reveals our true life in Christ

Eph 6:18  “Two-Edged Sword” A) The Written Word  established will of God  

                                                            B) Communicated will of God — Relationship with Him

— “Success in gaining spiritual authority depends on the degree of surrender and obedience  we choose to make to both aspects of or dimensions of His Word.”  — PR

– Spiritual Conflict  — God has allowed it b/c through it our substance and character are tested and proven

Battles are won through the Christ-like thoughts and the character they produce.

Jer 17: 10  – “I, the Lord, search the heart and mind — I give according to the fruit of one’s doings”

— Power is given to those whose character is tested and proven– Lk 4:1  Lk 4: 14

The FRUIT of transformation is TRUTH — Peace (Shalom) 

— “In order to convey Truth and give Peace to others we must first have them in our own hearts.”  — [ Eph 4:15 – AMP ]

People of True Faith live as though they actually BELIEVE what they say they believe. 

True Freedom — is the ability to live in balance with all created things and being able to enjoy them and use them reasonably without becoming dependent on them.

Jesus’ life was SPENT — not SAVED!     He poured out the resources and gifts He had generously and so was never chained to them or imprisoned  and constrained by them

Jn 14:30  – “ …..he has no hold on me.” — Jesus 

Simplicity – 25-Apr-2021


  • St. Francis of Assisi – “The antidote for confusion and paralysis is always a return to SIMPLICITY”
  • Dark Ages >>> Age of Enlightenment / Age of Science and Reason / Modern Age
  • Science – the analysis of “small” parts became more important than a synthesis of the “whole.”
  • 1950 (approx.) – Atom Bomb – Annihilation of everything became possible hope waned – doubt established  — Post-Modern Mind
  • Relativism – nothing is truly knowable b/c everything is an intellectual or social construct that will soon change.  No patterns, cycles, or absolutes
  • Created beings that were both god-like (“I Know”) and utterly cynical (“I have to create my own truth because none really exists”)
  • Results: Increased suicide and clinical depression rates leaving most languishing
  • Languish – loss or lack of vitality. Grow feeble and weak – fail to progress.
  • Feels like stagnation and emptiness.  Looking at life as through a foggy windshield
  • The Church has not been exempted from this worldview
  • Thomas Aquinas – “People chose things that seem good to them.”
  • European and North American church – effort to follow Jesus through intellectualism
  • Follow by Knowing Him – His Heart and “Gut” – Attitudes and values that shape His choices.
  • Instead of trying to “get inside” the scriptures – Let the scriptures “get inside us” and gradually shape OUR attitudes and values to be like His
  • “The Way” is not a set of intellectually formed principles and formulas: “The Way” is a PERSON.
  • “Walking in Truth” is to follow that Person.
  • John 14:7-11 – “To know Me is to \know the Father.”
  • We must know “The Lord of the Book” and not just the “Book of the Lord”
  • Matthew 11:29 – ”Learn of Me…” (TPT) “Join your life to mine, there you will find rest.”
  • Rest – (Hebrew) Shalom – Peace, comfort, rest, balance, completeness
  • Post-Modern thinking in the Church – has resulted in rivalry, distrust, conflict, separation
  • Set aside time to “Playback” what actually happened during your day 
  • reflect how you felt and how you reacted.
  • Ask Jesus to show you your “hot spots” of the day and where He was during them.
  • Ask how HE felt about them.
  • Ask Him to share His Heart and approach to them with you
  • Take time to enter the shalom He offers.

The Spirit of Truth – 18-Apr-2021

The Spirit of Truth
by Pastor Roy

“God’s desire is to TRANSFORM us not just INFORM us.”

– F.Frangipane

— Truth is more than facts or doctrine.
—  It is possible to know the Truth and still not walk in it

—  Eph 4:15 (AMP)

— Truth is a “Living Spirit” that needs a life through which to express itself

— Jn 14:6 — “I am the TRUTH ….”  —   Jesus

“Jesus does more than take us to heaven — he brings us into the Father’s presence.”

B. Simmons

— Matt 25:13, Lk 12:37  “Awake from your slumber”  — Jesus
— “Born Again” — a dramatic metaphor describing an ascent from unconsciousness to awareness

— Col 1:26-27 (TPT)  — A Divine Mystery  —  Christ dwelling within us

— Christ within transforms every command of God to a promised fulfillment
— Jesus within  — the TRUTH within — makes transformation possible

— 2 Thess 2:10  – ”… men perish b/c they did not receive the love of the Truth.”

— Suffering when searching for the TRUTH;
1. Disillusionment
2. Doubt and uncertainty
3. Humiliation

— Good News! – All suffering can be avoided by LOVING the TRUTH!

— Rev 3: 19-21 (TPT) – “Those I dearly love, I UNMASK and train.” — Jesus

–” Fear Not!”  – Cowardness is a refusal to TRUST God who has called us to walk in Truth.

— Jn 4:24 – The Father is looking for those who will worship in SPIRIT and TRUTH.

— Pretenders worship without TRUTH

— Jn 8: 32 (TPT)– The Truth releases true freedom in our lives

— Gal 5:9 – Toss the “Leaven of Pretense” from our lives

— 1Jn 3:2-3  — We shall be like Him

–2Cor 3:18 — transformation– look in a mirror and see Christ looking back

— “The fruit of the Spirit must be an expression and extension of the trueness of one’s life if it’s to be effective.”  — PR

— Relativism — the core of worldly wisdom

— Relativism — is a doctrine that states that knowledge, truth, and morality exists only in relation to culture, society, and historical context and are not absolute

— Relativism hates THE TRUTH b/c it is anchored in GOD who never changes and IS absolute

— Jn 3: 19-21 — The Righteous are  characterized by their love of the “Light of Truth”

— The Righteous TRUST God

— Not sure if you’re righteous?  – Ask God‘s help. 

 — Heb 4:16  — Come confidently before the throne of grace and receive mercy and grace in your time of need.

Holy Hush

“The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding”

by Pastor Roy

Holy Hush

by Pastor Marie

Sing His Praises and Stand in Silent Communion.

The quiet, descending, ascending, all-enveloping, all-encompassing peace that covers my soul in the time when His holy Presence fills the room, blanketing me with a holy hush. 

     When The Holy Spirit enters my dwelling, and my eternal, internal dwelling as well as the room I am in, with His calming Presence, GRACE UPON GRACE.  He touches my soul, heals my body, fills my spirit, and continues filling me with the all-encompassing love that is His very nature. There is nothing quite like it.

I found unspeakable joy

My heart slows, and my breath stills, as His very sacred breath falls in rhythm with mine, calming my heart, assuring me that keeping me safe is His priority, with reassuring murmurs of His cascading waves of glory- He stills my soul. 

I recall four specific times recently when I experienced His Holy Hush entering my circumstances.

When I was in the operating room having my eye fixed, He met me right there and enveloped me in His grace to remain still.

My husband opened the door to our room with a beautifully displayed, absolutely delicious lunch he had prepared for me. It was such a gift of love. I thanked God;

after lying in bed for two days and nights on my back with my chin elevated. I was able to lay on my side: finished. God came into my room and enfolded me into His arms, and I was totally immersed in His ever-present loving embrace. Cocooned in Him.

I looked out the front door and saw all the buds on the trees and the shoots from the bulbs I had planted springing up with the promise of beautiful flowers.

He met me in all those moments right where I was. I worshiped, so grateful. They were life-changing moments.

TO YOU belongs silence (the submissive wonder of reverence which bursts forth into praise), and praise is due and fitting to You, O God, in Zion; and to You shall the vow be performed. Psalm 65:1
In the kingdom of grace (v. 1), 
hearing prayer (v. 2)
pardoning sin (v. 3) 
satisfying our souls as a people (v. 4), 
protecting and supporting us (v. 5) 
In the kingdom of the earth 
fixing the mountains (v. 6) 
calming the sea (v. 7) 
preserving the regular succession of day and night (v. 8) 
making the earth fruitful (v. 9-13).

Sing His Praises and Stand in Silence: bowing in humble gratitude and awe: we bow down low hearing the holy HUSH. Listening to the eternal involves a silence within us. Communion and contentment.

There’s a Place – Leonard Jones
There’s a Place, In my heart,
Where I worship, where I praise 
Lord, it’s only for You 
There’s a Room, pure and white 
and you know it’s holy, holy,
Lord, it’s only for You.
There’s a Hope, in my heart, 
no one else gives, no one has, 
it comes only from You
There’s a song that I sing, 
No one else knows, no one hears, 
Lord, it’s only for You.

Return to in-person Services on April 18!

Getting Ready for Jesus

by Pastor Roy

Revelation 19:7 “…and his Bride has made herself READY.”

The Wedding Garments of the Bride: Isaiah 61:10

  1. Garment of SALVATION
  2. The Robe of RIGHTEOUSNESS
  3. Isaiah 61:3 – The Garment of PRAISE for the spirit of heaviness
  4. The Cloak of HUMILITY – 1 Peter 5:5
  5. Put on LOVE – Colossians 3;14

Matthew 22:1-14(TPT)
Vs 11 – Not wearing the wedding robes PROVIDED for him by the king
Vs 14 – “Many are called and invited in but few have hearts bathed in TRUTH — made pure and worthy of entering.

  • Revelation 3:18 (TPT)
  • Romans 12:1-2 (TPT)
  • Amos 9:11, Acts 15:16, Matthew 16:18 – God says,” I will do it!”
  • Matthew 11:28 – “Come to Me…”

Forsaking Pride – 8-Mar-2021

Holy Spirit’s Moods

by Pastor Marie

Forsaking Pride

by Pastor Roy

  • God saves us in order to transform us!
  • Transformation requires change = UNCOMFORTABLE.
  • Growing in God = becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable
  • Faith, Trust, and HUMILITY needed to move forward.
  • James 4:8 – As we acknowledge our sin, ask for forgiveness and turn from self-focus, we will “draw near to God.”
  • Only God has the power for transformation and holds our destiny in His hands.
  • Jeremiah 29:11
  • Humility is the key to enhanced SEEING.
  • God is not looking for talented or intellectual people – but for people who are YIELDED.
  • Matthew 11:25  “Learn of Me…”
  • We learn by LISTENING.  Stop TALKING, yield, “wake up!”
  • 1 Peter 5:5 “God gives grace to the HUMBLE…”
  • It is actually the proud who RESIST God’s grace because they do not ask for it. 
  • SIN is not overcome by Church rules of behavior nor through purging the sinner.
  • 1 Peter 4:8 – “Love COVERS a multitude of sin.”
  • 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 “Love’s” method  – “Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in TRUTH – it always trusts, always hopes.”
  • Love considers UNTRUTH – Evil.
  • Remember: Jesus did not condemn sinners – he condemned HYPOCRITES.
  • Hypocrite – one who excuses his own sin while condemning the sins of others
  • Many times, a hypocrite does not discern his hypocrisy – he is not AWAKE enough to do so, and the corruption in his own heart is never confronted.
  • Not seeking mercy or grace, he receives NONE and therefore has none to offer others.
  • Since he is always under God’s judgment – judging is all he can offer others.
  • Confronting personal sin takes HUMILITY.
  • James 4:6 – God’s grace is drawn to the humble
  • Humility is the sub-structure of transformation.  It is the essence of ALL virtues.
  • All people at some point in life will be confronted with the impurities of their hearts.
  • Our response will determine our direction forward.
  • It is at these crossroads of life that both holy men and hypocrites are bred.
  • Mattew 24:14 – “Many are called…”
  • Sanctification starts not with rules but with forsaking PRIDE.
  • Purity begins with a determined refusal to hide from the condition of our hearts.


Holy Spirit is a Person

Holy Spirit is a Person 7 fold power of the Holy Spirit

by Pastor Marie


— God saves us so He can transform us!
— Transformation = CHANGE
— Humility allows us the capacity to recognize what needs to be changed

— F. Frangipane  — “Humility is the spiritual capacity that enables us to perceive our need.”

James 4:6 – ”God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.”
— God resists the proud because the proud resist God.
— Humility must be “put on.” (Colossians 3:12) through consistent and conscious decisions and actions.
— Spiritual Humility is a created attribute of a character that is formed in us through a deepening  relationship with God practiced consistently
— Humility — the greatest virtue in heaven -(Matthew 18:4)
— No other virtue can enter our lives except humility requests it to come.
— Saul of Tarsus — considered himself “blameless before God” before his conversion.
— His meeting with Jesus devastated that opinion of himself.
— When we meet Jesus along our road, He will “DE-MASK-US” as well
— “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God–”  (1 Peter 5:6)
— Every time we embrace MEEKNESS/Teachableness, we are embracing Sustained Transformation.
— “Learn of Me, for I am MEEK and lowly of heart.” –(Matthew 11:29)
–” Learn” of Jesus in order to understand the power of His Humility

Philippians 2:5-8
— Zephaniah 3:11-12

— Grace – not only unmerited favor but also the power to do what we cannot do by ourselves.

Isaiah 57:18 – REVIVAL

Proclaiming the Kingdom

Holy Spirit You Are Welcome Here!

Encouragement by Pastor Marie


— Luke 17:20-21 (TPT)
— Mark 4:26-29
— Our Call:    “Possess the Kingdom!”
–Matthew 11:12 (TPT)
–Matthew 4;7
–Luke 8:15 — bearing fruit with endurance

–Endurance — the capacity to continue despite difficulties, with hopeful fortitude that actively resists defeat

–Hebrews 10:35-36
–Hebrews 10: 39

–Perseverance  — “Severe” root
–Luke 16:16
–Revelation 3:16

–Laodecia   —  Spiritual Passivity

— The issue of the “maturing” church — Not “Am I saved”  – but — “Am I Overcoming?”
“Am I Pressing In”

Possessing the Gates

It Is Written

by Pastor Roy

Possessing the Gates

by Pastor Marie

     God gave you a present in Christ- you have to receive it, unwrap it, read the directions and use it well.

“They that wait for Yahweh’s grace will receive His divine power.” Isaiah 40:31

“So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace.” (Romans 11:5 NIV)  … for God’s grace empowers his chosen remnant. [a small believing minority]

     I find the real Christian life to be an exciting adventure and journey into MORE.


   CONTEND- WRESTLE, BATTLE, CLAIM SOMETHING THAT IS TRUE. STRUGGLE TO SURMOUNT.  [overcome (a difficulty or obstacle). conquer-triumph over- vanquish- stand or be placed on top of.

          We need to contend with faith and authority

“Through faith and patience, we inherit the promises.” Hebrews 6:12


6 TRUTHS that we can stand on as launching pads to start from to assure us victory in every battle.  If we enter His GATES WITH THANKSGIVING AND PRAISE, HUMBLY WORSHIPPING THE KING OF GLORY… we can launch our victory from there.

1.  KNOW  Your identity In Christ

I Peter 2:9 – Romans 8:17 -Ephesians 2:6 – 

Ephesians 1:18-19 – flooded with light, called, and an advertisement of His immense power as it works through us.

Isaiah 62:12 – Revelation 19:14 – You are His Bridal army wearing His garments of praise, humility, righteousness, salvation, and love.

2. KNOW the love and character of Father God

This builds a well of trust as we continue to grow and mature. it gets deeper- a  well of salvation

2 Tim 1:12 Know Whom you have believed.

Eph 1:17  – God has promised that He will give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.

3. USE the keys God has given you.

     Matthew 16:18-19 – the church is built on the Truth of Who He is – and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  You have the keys of the kingdom – to forbid on earth that which is forbidden in heaven and to release on earth that which is released in heaven.    [bind or loose]We are not defensive -but OFFENSIVE

 4. Know that your weapons are  supernatural- not natural  –

     2 Corinthians 10:4-6 – Weapons of our warfare are mighty in God energized with divine power.  We can effectively dismantle the defenses behind which people hide and demolish every fantasy that opposes God.


He came to change every outcome,

 lift every head,

win every battle,

and raise the dead.]  Rita Springer

5. A significant part of the Abrahamic blessing that we step into as people of  faith is possessing the gate of our enemies.

   Genesis 22:16-17

6. LAST…OUR  Faith is what we exercise to possess our gates.

   Faith comes through what we have heard. Romans 10:17

“Through faith and patience, we inherit the promises.” Hebrews 6:12

FAITH IS THE KEY  [faith in GOD]

I pray for an impartation of faith, fresh vision with new eyes – new grace and an enlarged  vision with heavens’ perspective.

Again, receive a personal awakening in the knowledge of your keys and tools given by God and learn how to use them from the Holy Spirit.  Enter the kingdom and walk in empowered living.  


Eat Your Spinach!

Heart Health

by Pastor Marie

Eat Your Spinach!

by Pastor Roy

  • The Father’s audible voice: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I’m well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17, Matthew 17:5)
  • Doors – “Transition” points
  • Obstacles – “Giants”
  • James 4;7 – “Submit to God, resist the devil.
  • 1 Peter 5:8 – “Remain vigilant…”
  • Ephesians 6:12 – Spiritual enemies /Giants
  • Numbers 13:22 – Giants represent spiritual principalities that are obstructions to the “promised land.”
  • Giants – Sons of Anak – “Long-Necked”
  • Neck – connects the Body to the Head
  • Anikim – to Choke – to strangle – kill the Body before it connects to the Head
    1. SHESAI – “Bleached” white silk – counterfeit purity
      • 2 Timothy 3:1-8 – having the form of godliness but with no power because of impure motives
    2. TALMAI – dyed cloth – crimson in color – Cloth = covering – Crimson = suffering, sacrifice
      • A counterfeit replication of Christ’s sacrifice to replace the Beautiful Garments of the Bride:
        1. Praise (Isa 61:3)
        2. Righteousness (Isa 61:10)
        3. Salvation (Eph 6:13-17) “Armor of God”
        4. Humility (1Pet 5:5)
        5. Love (Col 3:14)
      • Dye – extracted from maggots – Flies = Lies – Beelzebub/Satan – “Lord of the Flies.”
      • Talmai speaks of a spirit that exalts itself above God’s true knowledge, replacing it with lies.
    3. AHIMAN – A “Brother of Fortune” – reveres a person’s social standing, personal power, giftings.  A “Good Weather Friend” – Brothers in name but with no Heart connection
  • These three combine to form conditions that create offenses which are stumbling blocks to transition.
  • Popeye:  Eat Your Spinach!  Eat the Word of God!
  • Psalm 119:165
  • Colossians 3:12
  • Colossians 3:14 (TPT)
  • 1 Samuel 17:45 – “You come against me with the sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty,  The God of the armies of Israel.”