Healing a Wounded Heart

Healing a Wounded Heart

by Pastor Roy Esposito

Resentment – cause us to cling to negative feelings and imprisons us to our passions stirring up destructive desires for revenge.

Gratitude – Not a simple emotion or attitude but a difficult discipline.

Gratitude – challenges us to face painful moments of:

a) rejection b) abandonment c) loss or failure, and to discover in them the pruning hands of God purifying our hearts for deeper love, stronger hope, and deeper faith.

Ephessians 1:3 – Graced with every spiritual blessing.

Blessing – Grace – Gift – (Charis)

Love – a passion for Oneness

Bitterness – seeks Justice – a prosecuting attorney

A bitter soul – driven by the unresolved theft of its peace.

A bitter soul – is co-joined to the injustice it suffered, forever listening to the voice of its heartaches.

A bitter soul – remains perpetually wounded by the unforgiven offense.

Luke 21:19 – “By your patience possess your souls.”
Philippians 3:8
Hebrews 2:18

“God’ has not predestined us to be free of pain, but to be conformed to Christ.” – PR

Romans 8:28-29 (Passion)
1 Peter 2:19-23 (Passion)
2 Timothy 1:12
Matthew 5:11-12
John 17:11,21-23 – Jesus prays for “Oneness”

Bitterness – is a demonic manipulation of a wound or injustice which seeks division

John 12:25

Two outcomes when wounded:

  1. Focus on the wound ensuring that you will relive the wound daily.
  2. Surrender it to God for redemption, enabling it to become a source of future strength.

John 16: 33 (NKJV/Passion)
Psalms 37:23 (AMP)
Exodus 15:22-26 – “Marah” – bitterness
2 Corinthians 4:7-15 (Message)