Changing The Viewpoint

Changing The Viewpoint

by Pastor Roy Esposito

Luke 8:17-18 (Passion)   —  “Pay attention to your hearts.”
“How you see things will determine what you see.”  — PR
— The “mind of Christ” — the potential to make the opaque clear.
1 Corinthians 13:13:12 (Message)

The Three Primary Powers

1. Reasoning minds 2. Emotions 3. Will

The Two Secondary Powers

1. Imagination 2. Sensuality

“The success of the journey toward regaining oneness with God will be determined by the merit of one’s focus.”
“The contours and worth of the journey will depend on the object of one’s heart’s concentration:  what the soul is looking at and the point from which it’s looked at;– from below, within or above.”   — PR

Colossians 3:1-2 (Passion)
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (Passion)

“Spiritual Weapons” — are only able to be engaged when we surrender our control to them.
Romans 8:1 — No condemnation for those “IN CHRIST.”
“In Christ”  — infers to be  “IN TRUTH”

John n 4: 21, 23-24

Frances Frangapane  — “Our Christian experience must expand until our faith in Jesus and love for Him becomes a lightning rod for His Presence.

“Don’t be afraid to ask —
1. Am I growing closer to Him?
2. Growing in love or just trying to protect myself?
3. Listening and obeying the inner voice of His Spirit?
4. More patient, kind. peaceful, merciful?

2 Corinthians 13:5 (Message)
James 4:7-8  — “Divine Arithmetic”  —  Subtract the worldly and add the heavenly

Subtract the things that make your spirit opaque.  —
Add the power that’s greater than that which is subtracted:
1. The love of Jesus that’s stronger than any natural desire or fear.
2. The grace of God that’s greater than the power of any sin.

Psalm 121 (Passion)